How are you feeling?


Well-known member
There was a work get together at lunch. I don't want to socialise with some of these people. So I didn't go.


Well-known member
Exams are over and I can finally feel at ease for the rest of the term...not.

Work experience and that dreaded casual dress day coming in to ruin the last week of school and my holiday break!


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Depression gives way tae anger, which, in turn, gives way tae hatred.

Am pissed off, tae put in blunt. Naw! Actually am f**kin' pissed off. There ye are... Ah mean, how many more f**kin' am ah gonnae get compared "jokingly" tae a f**kin' muslim by ma oldest sister? Fur, like, the 8th time(?) in 9 years. :veryangry: And they say women aren't funny. Well, ma sister proves that argument. Ye can tell am really pissed off because ah've used the f-word 3 times. :ironicsmile: F**k it! It fits the Scottish accent and rhythm of speech. That's

Ah mean, fair enough, a joke's a joke but efter awhile it stop being funny - not that it was funny tae being with... Sorry tae rant aboot this, really. But...

Common sense tells ye that ye huv tae tread carefully when makin' jokes nowadays. A sense o' humour doesnae mean ye can say any ol' sh*te and it'll be funny. For example, ye wouldnae walk up tae some who's fat - now ah don't mean, so nae offense - and say along the lines of: "Lose some weight ya c*nt!" :sarcastic: See? Not funny... To quote John Cleese of Monty Python: "Cruelty is often mistaken for wit" Again, sorry... ah know trival thing tae get mad aboot. Just needed tae vent.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
suicidally depressed...

:sad: Sorry tae hear that, pal. Or planemo, tae be less informal. Ah've been the same way, though. Well, actually... more frustratingly, depressingly suicidal, ah'd say. Just thoughts, mind, am too feert tae do it. Aw f**k! Here we f**kin' go... More ramblin' of a passive aggressive Scottish gobsh*te! No much else ah can say, really... :bigsmile:

I am losing interest in everything that I once enjoyed.

Aye, it seems like depression, no? Huvin' said that, ah've slowly been losing interest in stuff ah once enjoyed as well - music, drawing, painting. Ah think ah've lost that creative desire... cannae seem tae find it. :ironicsmile: At least, ma sense o' humour's still in tacked, ah guess? :sarcastic:


Well-known member
:sad: Sorry tae hear that, pal. Or planemo, tae be less informal. Ah've been the same way, though. Well, actually... more frustratingly, depressingly suicidal, ah'd say. Just thoughts, mind, am too feert tae do it. Aw f**k! Here we f**kin' go... More ramblin' of a passive aggressive Scottish gobsh*te! No much else ah can say, really... :bigsmile:

well thanks for the reply, pal :). i'm a bit better today but not by much. sorry you're going through something similar :sad:


Well-known member
I am losing interest in everything that I once enjoyed.

Me too man. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I always liked video games before, and being alone. Now I crave to be with others. I crave for girlfriend, though the more I want these the further they'll go away...


Well-known member
I feel like I am stressed and strained too much in my life now. I don't have friends and never hang out with others yet I still meet girls and have dates, a lot these days, 9 girls in 2,5 months, yet I realized already this has no point, and I got tired of this a lot.

I think I gotta make my own circle of friends most likely by same hobbies, etc. and get a grip, only that way I'll find someone perhaps.

It's funny when you know exactly what you should do (calm down, stop dramatizing, stop self-pity) yet you can't, because you are too negative on yourself... :(


Well-known member
Aye, it seems like depression, no? Huvin' said that, ah've slowly been losing interest in stuff ah once enjoyed as well - music, drawing, painting. Ah think ah've lost that creative desire... cannae seem tae find it. :ironicsmile: At least, ma sense o' humour's still in tacked, ah guess? :sarcastic:

Me too man. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I always liked video games before, and being alone. Now I crave to be with others. I crave for girlfriend, though the more I want these the further they'll go away...

I think one of my problems is I lack the passion to go out and make any positive achievements in my life. And it's getting harder and harder to learn new skills to make things happen.