How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I haven't left the house unless absolutely necessary in past 10 days. It's hard to change that after you get set in the groove. Now I told a friend I would go fishing overnight up north and I am freaking out. I promised her I would not back out. So sad when even enjoyable things just don't excite me in the least anymore. Being alone in nature is okay. It's the only thing I can say I enjoy. Oh, and my cat.

I just got back from "up north." I hope if you do go that you get better weather and more sunshine than we did. If nothing else, a break from being online was good.


My father is killing me, I am so frustrated that I feel like crying. I wish so much i could renovate the bathroom (for the beginning), I have money for that and could do it professionaly done, but he won´t let me. I will try to call the company, but it will end up in fight like always and nothing done. He seems to like old, ugly and dirty things. Some people are really twisted. Or does he want to punish me by letting me having to live here in this worse than dog? Most likely yes. Even a dog has it nicer in his box. If I didn´t bring furniture for my room in 2004 from Germany, I would still have children´s furniture here. The sad reality is, it is easier to buy my furniture in Germany (I also found someone nice who brought it here for me), than around the corner. Because of my insane parents. Because of their constant threats to prohibit me from doing just anything. And it´s not just this, whatever I do, whatever I buy (camera, computer, scanner), I get shouted at and told off, even though I buy it for my money. Doesn´t even help my father stole me 200.000 crowns that I managed to scrap together after 2,5 years of dogs life in Germany, living in a dark cellar worse than a homeless person.

If he doesn´t allow me to do it, I think about going to England and make a trip to Hebrides or something. Originally I wanted to rent a room and look for work, but I know I won´t find anything anyway, so why not make a trip, that´s called positive thinking :thumbup: I am just so frustrated I get dumb ideas like this, but I am so stuck I am unable to move just anywhere, until I do some bullshit. This repeating scenario is typical to my life... I really feel like crying now. I will never have a proper, nice, cosy home in my life. Still being kicked out of everywhere or living in horrible conditions. I can forget it. I have as much chances as a homeless person becoming a millionaire.


Well-known member
I just..... feel so disgusting!!! I've got Hirsutism which is excessive hair in women and I apparently also have this nasty brown stuff on my neck (acanthosis nigricans) and that coupled with the hairiness and feeling fat all the time it's no wonder I have SA/Social Phobia!!! I mean I know its more than just being embarrassed by how you look but I honestly think it's one of the main reasons. It's really bothering me because my doctor sent me to a laser hair removal person which has just brought it into the light so to speak and I just got my hair colored and it stained my neck which is just making those nasty brown areas look worse, I just feel so ugly and disgusting all the time :'(


Well-known member
I just..... feel so disgusting!!! I've got Hirsutism which is excessive hair in women and I apparently also have this nasty brown stuff on my neck (acanthosis nigricans) and that coupled with the hairiness and feeling fat all the time it's no wonder I have SA/Social Phobia!!! I mean I know its more than just being embarrassed by how you look but I honestly think it's one of the main reasons. It's really bothering me because my doctor sent me to a laser hair removal person which has just brought it into the light so to speak and I just got my hair colored and it stained my neck which is just making those nasty brown areas look worse, I just feel so ugly and disgusting all the time :'(
Laser hair removal has a very high percentage of success. I think that's a great idea to get rid of excess hair. I'm sorry you have this but it is treatable.


Well-known member
Sometimes kindness is not reciprocated. I wonder if some people even have a conscience. I wonder if God built a better world than this one.


Well-known member
Ahhhhh how am i feeling? Bad yup. Need someone to talk:(
This was one hour ago, so I hope you're alright now.

I am not good. There's not even any reason for it. I am so low on confidence it's quite baffling. I think I need to sleep for a few days straight.
Feeling good that I finally graduated, I have something to be happy about now :bigsmile::bigsmile::bigsmile:
Next I will be going after my bachelor :)
Not good at all. Bad stuff piling up. Feeling overwhelmed. Not sure how to handle it.

I think my anxiety and guilt/shame gets in the way of me being able to cope well with stressful events. Bad things pile up and stick in my head and then I break down, become depressed, and lose motivation.

I think if I were "normal" I wouldn't respond in this way. I would be a lot more resilient. It's hard to be resilient, though, when your anxiety always makes you feel bad and lack confidence, and you don't have at least one really close supportive friend who lives nearby.

Anyway. There's my self-absorbed ramble of the day I suppose.


Well-known member
This was one hour ago, so I hope you're alright now.

I am not good. There's not even any reason for it. I am so low on confidence it's quite baffling. I think I need to sleep for a few days straight.

Thank you.
Somewhat better..
It happens . You can feel sad for no reason at all. Sleep can relieve your mind , even a few hours sleep dont need to sleep for days though thats good idea except the body pain when i wake up.


Well-known member
Not good at all. Bad stuff piling up. Feeling overwhelmed. Not sure how to handle it.

I think my anxiety and guilt/shame gets in the way of me being able to cope well with stressful events. Bad things pile up and stick in my head and then I break down, become depressed, and lose motivation.

I think if I were "normal" I wouldn't respond in this way. I would be a lot more resilient. It's hard to be resilient, though, when your anxiety always makes you feel bad and lack confidence, and you don't have at least one really close supportive friend who lives nearby.

Anyway. There's my self-absorbed ramble of the day I suppose.

It happens to me when the failures are too much to handle.Everything just collapses and i end up feeling like i m meant to lose everytime.Confidence..i dont think i have any..Having no one around sucks.
Hugs opaline..hope you feel good again.


Well-known member
My father is killing me, I am so frustrated that I feel like crying. I wish so much i could renovate the bathroom (for the beginning), I have money for that and could do it professionaly done, but he won´t let me. I will try to call the company, but it will end up in fight like always and nothing done. He seems to like old, ugly and dirty things. Some people are really twisted. Or does he want to punish me by letting me having to live here in this worse than dog? Most likely yes. Even a dog has it nicer in his box. If I didn´t bring furniture for my room in 2004 from Germany, I would still have children´s furniture here. The sad reality is, it is easier to buy my furniture in Germany (I also found someone nice who brought it here for me), than around the corner. Because of my insane parents. Because of their constant threats to prohibit me from doing just anything. And it´s not just this, whatever I do, whatever I buy (camera, computer, scanner), I get shouted at and told off, even though I buy it for my money. Doesn´t even help my father stole me 200.000 crowns that I managed to scrap together after 2,5 years of dogs life in Germany, living in a dark cellar worse than a homeless person.

If he doesn´t allow me to do it, I think about going to England and make a trip to Hebrides or something. Originally I wanted to rent a room and look for work, but I know I won´t find anything anyway, so why not make a trip, that´s called positive thinking :thumbup: I am just so frustrated I get dumb ideas like this, but I am so stuck I am unable to move just anywhere, until I do some bullshit. This repeating scenario is typical to my life... I really feel like crying now. I will never have a proper, nice, cosy home in my life. Still being kicked out of everywhere or living in horrible conditions. I can forget it. I have as much chances as a homeless person becoming a millionaire.

:sad: I´m sorry to read this. Your dads behaviour is ridiculous. I dont know what I would do with my frustration if I were living under those circumstances. I hope you will be able to go away on a trip or something.


Well-known member
I feel a migraine coming. And the tinnitus/ringing in my ears has gotten worse and worse, I used to be bothered by it only once in a while, now it´s there constantly. (Damn all those punk rock concerts, I never wore earplugs.)
I am not good. There's not even any reason for it. I am so low on confidence it's quite baffling. I think I need to sleep for a few days straight.

I'm sorry you're feeling that way Mikey. I'm kind of the same right now. Even with the sleeping thing... feel like I could sleep for days.

I'm sorry you're not doing well Lea, Insanewoman, springk, and anyone else I missed who is feeling badly :/
It happens to me when the failures are too much to handle.Everything just collapses and i end up feeling like i m meant to lose everytime.Confidence..i dont think i have any..Having no one around sucks.
Hugs opaline..hope you feel good again.

That sounds very similar to how I feel.

Thank you. I hope you do as well.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
My father is killing me, I am so frustrated that I feel like crying. I wish so much i could renovate the bathroom (for the beginning), I have money for that and could do it professionaly done, but he won´t let me. I will try to call the company, but it will end up in fight like always and nothing done. He seems to like old, ugly and dirty things. Some people are really twisted. Or does he want to punish me by letting me having to live here in this worse than dog? Most likely yes. Even a dog has it nicer in his box. If I didn´t bring furniture for my room in 2004 from Germany, I would still have children´s furniture here. The sad reality is, it is easier to buy my furniture in Germany (I also found someone nice who brought it here for me), than around the corner. Because of my insane parents. Because of their constant threats to prohibit me from doing just anything. And it´s not just this, whatever I do, whatever I buy (camera, computer, scanner), I get shouted at and told off, even though I buy it for my money. Doesn´t even help my father stole me 200.000 crowns that I managed to scrap together after 2,5 years of dogs life in Germany, living in a dark cellar worse than a homeless person.

If he doesn´t allow me to do it, I think about going to England and make a trip to Hebrides or something. Originally I wanted to rent a room and look for work, but I know I won´t find anything anyway, so why not make a trip, that´s called positive thinking :thumbup: I am just so frustrated I get dumb ideas like this, but I am so stuck I am unable to move just anywhere, until I do some bullshit. This repeating scenario is typical to my life... I really feel like crying now. I will never have a proper, nice, cosy home in my life. Still being kicked out of everywhere or living in horrible conditions. I can forget it. I have as much chances as a homeless person becoming a millionaire.

Sorry things are not goin' well for ya, Lea. :(:

Ye could skip going tae England and make a trip to Scotland since the Hebrides are on the west coast o' Scotland? No? Am jokin' - it'll be quite a long journey aw the way up to the west of Scotland, though. If ye start in England... :giggle:

Anyway, jokes aside, sorry yer situation's no great at the moment, darlin'. :sad: {*Hugs*)


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I feel a migraine coming. And the tinnitus/ringing in my ears has gotten worse and worse, I used to be bothered by it only once in a while, now it´s there constantly. (Damn all those punk rock concerts, I never wore earplugs.)

What?! - Sorry! Is that joke in bad taste? Aye, it probably is... isn't it? :bigsmile:

Though, ah can relate, Nanita. Ah didnae start wearin' earplugs to rock concerts until a few years ago, 2007 tae be exact. :eek:h: :idontknow: