How are you feeling?


:sad: I´m sorry to read this. Your dads behaviour is ridiculous. I dont know what I would do with my frustration if I were living under those circumstances. I hope you will be able to go away on a trip or something.

Thanks Nanita, I always feel so silly after venting like this, and that I´m writing bad things about my parents, but this is the truth after all, or even worse than this. Maybe some casual person who didn´t live here with them wouldn´t understand at all what it is like and what suffocating maddening influence they can have, and would think I am being mean or ungrateful. But it´s not that I don´t like them or want to be evil to them, it´s just the frustration which makes me so angry :kickingmyself:


And thanks Opaline, I am sorry you´re not feeling too great atm, but hopefully there will be better times at a point again. Guess it´s the employment stress which brings your mood down, but try to stick it out.

Graeme, where are you from in Scottland? I just read that in Aberdeen there is lowest unemployment of all UK, I wish I could go there but it´s so difficult... I have to figure something out. I don´t really think I´ll go to Hebrides although it would be nice, I have to put my money into something more useful. I can´t afford wasting now..


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Graeme, where are you from in Scottland? I just read that in Aberdeen there is lowest unemployment of all UK, I wish I could go there but it´s so difficult... I have to figure something out. I don´t really think I´ll go to Hebrides although it would be nice, I have to put my money into something more useful. I can´t afford wasting now..

Am from a wee town in south-west Scotland (Lockerbie). Oh, the shame! :eek:mg: It's a pretty depressin', rundown sh*tehole! Ah mean that in that there's not much tae do. Other than going out and gettin' drunk on weekends. Aberdeen? The Scottish accent is quite difficult to understand there, well tae Scottish folk who are not Aberdeen. :giggle: Nae offense intended, there, Aberdonians.


Well-known member
What?! - Sorry! Is that joke in bad taste? Aye, it probably is... isn't it? :bigsmile:

Wait what... I dont know what you mean!

Though, ah can relate, Nanita. Ah didnae start wearin' earplugs to rock concerts until a few years ago, 2007 tae be exact. :eek:h: :idontknow:
Yeah..thats the risky thing about rock n roll (more so than drugs and sex haha) I´m the living example of why earplugs is a good idea...


Well-known member
Thanks Nanita, I always feel so silly after venting like this, and that I´m writing bad things about my parents, but this is the truth after all, or even worse than this. Maybe some casual person who didn´t live here with them wouldn´t understand at all what it is like and what suffocating maddening influence they can have, and would think I am being mean or ungrateful. But it´s not that I don´t like them or want to be evil to them, it´s just the frustration which makes me so angry :kickingmyself:

Yeah I also feel bad sometimes when I´ve had bad thoughts about my parents, but seriously it´s unbearable to live with parents if things are not working out, and some parents seem to stress destroy their childrens self esteem even more everyday.


Am from a wee town in south-west Scotland (Lockerbie). Oh, the shame! :eek:mg: It's a pretty depressin', rundown sh*tehole! Ah mean that in that there's not much tae do. Other than going out and gettin' drunk on weekends. Aberdeen? The Scottish accent is quite difficult to understand there, well tae Scottish folk who are not Aberdeen. :giggle: Nae offense intended, there, Aberdonians.

Oh Lockerbie, that´s the place of that plane bomb attack, isn´t it. Do you remember it btw?

And you´re right about the accent probably, I once met on Hebrides a girl from Aberdeen, Iona, and I could hardly understand her. It was 20 years ago, yeah exactly, at the beginning of august 93, but it seems like yesterday. I am so old o.o. I wish I could visit St. Kilda once.


Well-known member
Suddenly feeling a lot of rage. I was swamped by memories regarding certain relatives and for a good 20 or so minutes there, I spent my time daydreaming about how I would go about defending myself against their attacks and arguing, with me winning of course. A minute ago, I suddenly realized what I was doing and had to snap out of it because I also have to study. But the rage is still there, the anger is still raw. I have avoided family gatherings with my dad's family for approximately 5 years already. If I have to see those passive aggressive female cousins and aunts again, there's no guarantee I might explode, unleash my pent-up emotions right in front of their faces. Plus I heard a wedding is coming up for one of the cousins (who slandered me), and I'm pretty sure I'll skip it.


Well-known member
Feeling good that I finally graduated, I have something to be happy about now
Next I will be going after my bachelor :)
Here's a slice of good news. That's awesome, mate. :)

I feel a migraine coming. And the tinnitus/ringing in my ears has gotten worse and worse, I used to be bothered by it only once in a while, now it´s there constantly. (Damn all those punk rock concerts, I never wore earplugs.)
I still don't wear earplugs to concerts, and my iPod is not helping, either. There is no cure for tinnitus, so you'll just have to deal with it somehow. There are preventative measures to ensure it doesn't get worse (all include no loud sounds), but it will not get better, sorry.

I'm sorry you're feeling that way Mikey. I'm kind of the same right now. Even with the sleeping thing... feel like I could sleep for days.
I saw you were having a tough time, too. Hugs all round.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Oh Lockerbie, that´s the place of that plane bomb attack, isn´t it. Do you remember it btw?

Aye, it was, tragically... I was born in March of 1988, so was only 9 months old at the time. So don't remember much. Although my mum and oldest sister can, depressingly, recall quite a bit....

And you´re right about the accent probably, I once met on Hebrides a girl from Aberdeen, Iona, and I could hardly understand her. It was 20 years ago, yeah exactly, at the beginning of august 93, but it seems like yesterday. I am so old o.o. I wish I could visit St. Kilda once.

Probably? *We-(Scots)-talk-that-quickly-ye-cannae-make-oot-whatthef**k-we're-sayin'.
^ *(Remove all the dashes inbetween the words then read what ah just wrote there...) :confused:


Well-known member
I still don't wear earplugs to concerts, and my iPod is not helping, either. There is no cure for tinnitus, so you'll just have to deal with it somehow. There are preventative measures to ensure it doesn't get worse (all include no loud sounds), but it will not get better, sorry

Actually I found out there are different cures for it, but there isn´t one approach that works for everyone..
I know a guy who used to have it now but he doesn´t have it anymore. I read that some people cured their tinnitus by getting more of the mineral magnesium.
I haven´t found my cure yet though!


Well-known member
Actually I found out there are different cures for it, but there isn´t one approach that works for everyone..
I know a guy who used to have it now but he doesn´t have it anymore. I read that some people cured their tinnitus by getting more of the mineral magnesium.
I haven´t found my cure yet though!
Perhaps I'm behind, then. I was still under the impression there was no cure at all.

Magnesium, eh? I wonder if that'll work.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Conflicted. Ah didnae get much sleep last night, got intae a drunken argument with ma internal dialogue. :bigsmile: Am no kiddin', either...

Jokin' aside, internally am f**kin' ragin'. Ah guess am just fed up with the way am treated by ma family. Constantly being telt tae shut an' keep quiet whenever ah feel like expressin' how am feelin'. :sad: Ah! Tae be seen an' not heard... Great! :kickingmyself: Yet, ma older sister - she can f**kin' tell it like it is, no carin' who's get pissed off. Me? Naw! That'd be too much... You'd huv tae take me seriously. Somethin' few members o' ma family are capable o' daein'! Eh, bytheway, NOT everythin' ah say is meant tae be a joke. Even though, it might sound like it... :eek:h: Maybe that's why ah never really stand up fur masel'? Well, not anymair. Because whenever ah try and be assertive or stop being a pushover, they (family) just laugh in ma face, as per usual! _____ OFF! Ah think am slowly becomin' less compassionate an' empathetic towards people, in general.


Well-known member
Feeling determined. I am try to learn to like myself. Look at some old pictures and actually thought that I looked good. Also learning to relax in social situations and confront my fears.