How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Lonely. I go out to get some allergy medicine and get some coffee, and I just see nearly everyone with either a friend or partner. Then there's me, all by myself.

It makes me sick.


Well-known member
I am not a happy lady right now. My mothers husband is giving me **** for not wanting to go somewhere with him and my mom. For one, I am too old to still be living here. Two, I am not interested in hanging out with a married couple.
He's giving me crap about it because I never go out. Yeah of course I don't. I can't drive (yet), I have no friends, and they never want to take me anywhere, unless it's to somewhere they want to go. I want to go somewhere?.. like to see my grandma? Well tuff ****. But if they want me to go to some party that their friends/family are having, then I'm a weirdo who never leaves the house and a bad person for not wanting to go.

Yeah, that makes sooo much sense. Being agoraphobic is horrible, I dream of the day I will finally be able to get out of here. It. Will. Happen. I hope =(


Well-known member
I am not a happy lady right now. My mothers husband is giving me **** for not wanting to go somewhere with him and my mom. For one, I am too old to still be living here. Two, I am not interested in hanging out with a married couple.
He's giving me crap about it because I never go out. Yeah of course I don't. I can't drive (yet), I have no friends, and they never want to take me anywhere, unless it's to somewhere they want to go. I want to go somewhere?.. like to see my grandma? Well tuff ****. But if they want me to go to some party that their friends/family are having, then I'm a weirdo who never leaves the house and a bad person for not wanting to go.

Yeah, that makes sooo much sense. Being agoraphobic is horrible, I dream of the day I will finally be able to get out of here. It. Will. Happen. I hope =(

You will one day soon be able to move on.

Me...Feeling okay today. Worked again for the first in a really long time and I kinda like being out there again, see society and all it's people, then coming home to peacefulness is not so bad at all. I need to work on not writing run-on sentences haha gotten in a really bad habit here.
Not happy about the f-ing root canal I need to get according to the dentist visit, also today.


Well-known member
I'm gonna try to be productive today but it already started bad because I could not sleep this night and my head is as if it had been hit. I think more coffee can solve it.


Well-known member
Not very good, as my shift this morning was marred by some comments that I let get to me.

However, instead of wallowing in a pool of my own sadness and self-hate, I went out and did things. Became productive instead of staring at my ceiling.

Take that, stupid depression.


Well-known member
Drove a 4WD on some seemingly endless country roads checking rainforests and wetlands. A ten hour day. Lots of White Cedar in fruit.

I may still have a job, it looks as if the they've got the balance of staff right between geographic locations.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Like am being pulled in so many different directions, and ah cannae take the constant pressure. "Do this, do, do that..." F**k! Eh, am feelin' like am constantly obligated tae do stuff, most o' the time. And if ah say "No" then I'm a bad person, ungrateful c*unt, etc.

Like ma life's being dictated by those around me - what I should be doing... (Be like everybody else) - since am too stupid and indecisive. But ye got tae please 'em or else... :sad: Aye, ye eventually realise how pathetic yer life is when ye spend more time makin' other people happy than ye do makin' yerself happy.


Well-known member
Feeling highly annoyed and frustrated at the moment. My mom and brother kept pestering me (and especially my dad) to move out of this house. But my dad is planning to retire in this house. In fact my mom and I had this conversation yesterday. She said we should move out ASAP because of the neighbors are spying on us with their highly advanced tech devices! **Note: my mom's psychotic/demented. She sees thing that nobody else sees.** So I told her that dad's about to retire within 4 years and doesn't have the energy to move. With the amount of money he makes, he won't be able to afford another home in a good neighborhood. My mom then said my dad could go live in a nursing home :eek:

I couldn't believe she even suggested that. Then she told me her precious baby son (my brother) has suffered so much from the hands of the neighbors. In fact, she blames the neighbors for everything, including my brother's bad behavior. She said they have high tech devices to spy on us. My brother has become very paranoid. He goes to the bathroom with the stereo on and the lights off.

My mom claimed that by moving to someplace else, we will have a better life. Really? I highly doubt it. I think the problem lies with my mom's mentality, not the nieghbors. So I asked my mom, "you said the neighbors stalk us wherever we go. What if the neighbors follow us to our new place?" Her response was that we'll keep on moving, hiding and eventually get away from the neighbors. :idontknow:

She also mentioned that my brother will be happier somewhere else. I told her that when he lived with me in another city for 2 years, he was just as paranoid as he was now. He kept on thinking the bad people (aka neighbors) are following him everywhere he goes. He also suspected his classmates at school of being in league with the neighbors. Plus sometimes when there's a helicopter overhead or a car that's been tailing a little too closely from behind, he thinks it's the neighbors stalking us.

Several times in the past, I asked my brother, "Since you think the neighbors will follow us everywhere we go, do you think we should move overseas?" His response was, "Nah, it won't work. They will follow us overseas too." So I said, "Really? So no matter which country we go to, there will always be bad guys following us?" He said yes. So I asked, "Then what's the solution?" He said, "The only solution for us is to move often. Maybe every 6 months. Never stay too long at a place."

My brother never worked his entire life, and he's already talking about moving every 6 months? Is he crazy? I'm thinking he's gonna try to squeeze out every penny from my parents, especially from my dad since he's the main breadwinner.
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Well-known member
I'm so tired, and I have an article for class due tomorrow that I haven't even started writing yet. It's past 8:00 now, and I'm having a hard time waking myself up.


Well-known member
Like crying... Overwhelmed... Sick of this world...

Last night I was chatting to a couple of people (instant message type chat) on a friendship finding site I joined last week... Afterwards I just felt incredibly uneasy. I only like talking with people I already know; the initial part is awful...

The people seemed nice enough, nobody actually had anything in common with, as I'm just a weird and rare freak ( ^_^ Yes, I don't mind reveling in that lol) But I just felt so uncomfortable...

I was telling the one about agoraphobia and social phobia, and also being from the UK they warned me to be prepared for the scum ATOS to declare me fit for work, despite the fact I can't go out alone, and indeed can only walk around the local fields even with my husband, and the fact that I can only type to people (and even then I get anxious)...

Of course, I'm already fully aware of the callous, downright evil policies of ATOS (Where, for example, someone dying from cancer has been declared fit for work and lost their money - winning their appeal to the courts the day before they died!!)... But the fact I'm currently trying to sort out having a home-visit interview (rather than having to go into the city) and how hard that is, made it bother me all the more....

There are so many other problems not connected to ATOS, which came flooding into my mind because of thinking about that... This country - this world is in a very sad state of affairs... People are all slaves, and most don't even realise it... We have no real freedom... And I am scared about the direction this world's heading.... Not just for myself, but for everyone and for future generations...


Staff member
What the hell is ATOS?

Atos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Atos Healthcare in the UK

Atos Healthcare's has a contract believed to be worth £400 million with the UK's Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), under which it "conduct disability assessments for people claiming a range of disability benefits including Employment Support Allowance, Personal Independence Payment,Incapacity Benefit, and Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit."

Atos has been criticized in the media, in Parliament, by the medical profession, and by protest groups regarding its disability programs.

A government study published in 2012 found that half of the people identified as "fit for work" by Atos Healthcare's Work Capability Assessment on behalf of the Department of Work and Pensions in the UK, remained unemployed and without income.

In 2012, 43 complaints against Atos doctors and nurses were being investigated by the General Medical Council or Nursing and Midwifery Council. Criticism has been directed at Atos over the ability of its staff to deal with complex mental health problems and conditions whose symptoms vary with time.In August 2012, Atos Healthcare claimed they had appointed 60 Mental Function Champions to provide additional training.

Atos assessors have found patients with brain damage,terminal cancer or severe multiple sclerosis to be fit for work.According to government statistics, 1300 people died shortly after being declared fit for work by Atos.

In August 2011, twelve doctors working for Atos as disability assessors had been placed under investigation by the General Medical Council because of allegations of misconduct in relation to their duty of care to patients.