How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I'm sooo nervous! I've to go to my first school reunion today. I never liked that school, its where I got bullied most. It was absolute hell for me. I'm just going because of some of my friends I had there. Kept dreaming about it whole night. Wish me luck!

Good luck. I hope you will be pleasantly surprised. :)


Well-known member
I was feeling good, but now I'm feeling unbelievable.

I got a belated Valentine's Day card in the mail from my lady friend in Melbourne, saying how I'm amazing and she's glad she met me. Nobody has ever done that for me before. I'm ridiculously happy. Almost in-tears-happy.

You're a lucky guy, Mikey, and she's a lucky girl. Here's hoping things keep on keepin' on. :brindis:

(If not, I have a hot cousin in Melbourne. Maybe I can hook you up.) ;)

I'm sooo nervous! I've to go to my first school reunion today. I never liked that school, its where I got bullied most. It was absolute hell for me. I'm just going because of some of my friends I had there. Kept dreaming about it whole night. Wish me luck!

Why do you have to go, Srijita?

I went to my five-year reunion, but I haven't been back to one since. I didn't even know about the last one until months later, and I don't feel like I missed a thing. If this school was so bad, why throw yourself back into the lions' den?

Whatever you do, I wish you courage and serenity. :)


Well-known member
^Thank you. I'm going because of my few friends, its been a long time since I've seen them also I want to meet my teachers, who were really kind and helpful.


Well-known member
I met a few people last month and started talking to them and not one of them are talking to me again. I thought that the conversations went well. I talk to people and it seems like we hit it off, but it never lasts. They all were guys I don't know if that matters, many girls here make me feel like a guy anyways like I'm not feminine enough. I can just feel myself slipping back into depression which I don't think I can allow because I damage myself when I'm very depressed and it has a long term effect on me.


Well-known member
Update: My teacher changed my grade to a 50 instead of the 0. She said I saved the draft so she couldn't see it, but I eventually submitted it (before the deadline, by the way). However, since other students didn't have the same problem as me, she decided to give me partial credit, aka 50. Oh, did I mention this is an Ethics class that I'm taking? I wonder what theory of ethics she's using - sounds a lot like Deontological ethics.


Well-known member
Feeling extremely anxious. I have a phone call coming up, for 15 minutes, but I can't help shivering. Makes me feel even colder. I did prepare a rough draft to guide me through the convo and let's hope all goes well.


Well-known member
Just got off of the phone. It was a better than I expected? In the middle of the convo, I can't help but shiver. There was a few awkward pauses, but other than that I think I did ok. By the way, 80% of what I spoke was read off a script that I wrote beforehand. I spoke well overall, but I cheated with a script and I can't help but feel disappointed a bit. I guess I need to work on my impromptu speaking skills.


Well-known member
Just got off of the phone. It was a better than I expected? In the middle of the convo, I can't help but shiver. There was a few awkward pauses, but other than that I think I did ok. By the way, 80% of what I spoke was read off a script that I wrote beforehand. I spoke well overall, but I cheated with a script and I can't help but feel disappointed a bit. I guess I need to work on my impromptu speaking skills.

Well done, you! :thumbup:

I had to do some telephoning myself yesterday and again today (nearly an hour :eek:), so I can relate. It's a hard thing for a lot of us to do. I, too, got the shakes a couple of times, had trouble breathing, etc.

I don't think you should feel bad about using a prepared script. Under the circumstances, it was the best tool for the job. Focus instead on the accomplishment of having met and overcome a challenge. Why feel bad about it when you can just as easily feel good? :)


Well-known member
Well done, you! :thumbup:

I had to do some telephoning myself yesterday and again today (nearly an hour :eek:), so I can relate. It's a hard thing for a lot of us to do. I, too, got the shakes a couple of times, had trouble breathing, etc.

I don't think you should feel bad about using a prepared script. Under the circumstances, it was the best tool for the job. Focus instead on the accomplishment of having met and overcome a challenge. Why feel bad about it when you can just as easily feel good? :)

You're right GraybeardGhost. I'll think of this as overcoming a challenge. I'm sure if I practice enough, I will gradually wean myself off of a script. Thanks for the encouragement, and kudos to you too for speaking for nearly an hour. :)


Well-known member
^That's normal. Giving blood can make one feel drowsy, especially guys. Girls on the other hand aren't as prone to fainting for some reason. Eat more so that your body can create more red blood cells.


Well-known member
I really want to feel important to somebody. These days the people around me seem to only acknowledge me when complaining about something i have or haven't done *sigh*


Well-known member
Emotional, just saw an Indian movie called "Barfi!". I think it had a great story. I just never understand why I get so emotionally involved lol.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Overwhelmed, yet indifferent. Feel as though ah might as well be invisible. Since that how am made tae feel, most o' the time by those around me.

And, why do ah feel like ah've let people down all the time? Especially when ah refused tae do something ah don't feel like doing? :sad: Why am ah so f#*in' weak? :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Ups and downs all this week.

I did have an experience earlier this week that actually made me feel really good. I walked into a restuarant where this teenage girl was at the register talking to all sorts of people. She had to be the happiest person I've seen in some time and it was infectious. She asked me why I was frowning and I told her I wasn't. She asked me to show her my smile. With just her bright cheery attitude she force me to smile for her own the spot. And it came out! I hadn't smiled that naturally in a long time.

I wonder where was it hiding all those years?

Go figure. :idontknow:


Well-known member
I just found out I may get a better apartment April 1st. I just don't know how I will afford the actual move. Good/bad always mixed together and I am terrible with money. Always have been. I might even have a view of Lake Superior from the new place. That would be amazing. Feeling so vulnerable, and bored. I might actually do things but always broke mid-month.