How are you feeling?


finished the last assignment for the current paper I am doing. Wanted to get it out the way. It's 2am - the only reason it took so long was because I am hopeless at using word processors. Stupid diagram - wouldn't position itslelf properly on the page... took me ages...

Still.... it's a fine piece of work.... if I do say so myself. 5484 words....phew.
If anyone is interested - it's about the effects of social exclusion, cultural inequities and the effects it has on minorities and their health and psychological well being.

and all that jazz..


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Jaded. Cynical. Fed up. But then, ah dinnae get much sleep last night.

Sometimes, ah think ah'd be better off on ma own. Other times, ah wish ah just didnae exist. :sad: Sick of being taken advantage of aw the time, sick of being manipulated. But then, that seems tae be ma purpose in life, makin' other happy and lettin' them walk all over me... :sad:

But, of course, it's no in ma nature tae get angry - Naw! That's be oot o' character of me. Ah wouldnae tell ye tae "f**k the f**k off!". Because, apparently, am too much o' a nice, kind-hearted bastard tae do that! Because then am the c**t, amn't ah?

Sorry, am just really angry, depressed, self-loathin' the noo... :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
Not good. I'm tired and feel like I'm coming down with a cold (though I'm probably not - I often feel like this and them am fine the next day!). My SI joint is hurting, it was raining on today's walk, which meant I banged my head on a branch due to having my hood up and not being able to see where I was going properly, and then I slipped over in the mud and got covered in the stuff all over my left leg and hands! Joy(!)


Well-known member
to Graeme, OneHandClapping, Cocorose, Olhos Abertos, SeasonalBlues, and anyone else who is feeling down and in need of a hug! :)

Sorry :( I hope you feel better.

thanks, feel a bit better today, not feeling close to tears, or sick or depressed just a bit annoyed. i'm also a bit pee'd off with myself as i've forgotten to take note of my cbt appointment time tomorrow :eek:h:


Well-known member
I feel conflicted. Someone told me I wasn't expressing enough respect or gratitude. He gave me a present but I didn't smile, jump up and down, throw my hands up in the air and say "yeah!" I did say thank you multiple times and took the present. Later on, I asked for feedback and he said I should work on showing more respect and gratitude. I asked him what he meant. He said I shouldn't walk around so much, give him more eye contact (as in looking at him in the face more), and smile. He also implied that I should show more happiness.

Thank you for pointing out my flaws. But this means I will have to fake it. I wasn't in the mood to do any of those things because I just woke up and was feeling kind of tired. I guess I need to work on my acting skills more. Outside of home, I don't mind faking if I have to, but at home, I want to be more natural.

Eye contact is the tricky part. Many times, I end up staring at people which freaks them out. It doesn't come naturally to me.


Well-known member
Eye contact doesn't come naturally to me either, I realised that if I don't think about it I'll naturally look at the person's mouth. I don't know if anyone has noticed it.

I can keep eye contact if I remember doing it, but I'm not aware of the border between normal eye contact and creepy eye contact.


Well-known member
At a really low point... :crying:
What's wrong Graeme?
I feel conflicted. Someone told me I wasn't expressing enough respect or gratitude. He gave me a present but I didn't smile, jump up and down, throw my hands up in the air and say "yeah!" I did say thank you multiple times and took the present. Later on, I asked for feedback and he said I should work on showing more respect and gratitude. I asked him what he meant. He said I shouldn't walk around so much, give him more eye contact (as in looking at him in the face more), and smile. He also implied that I should show more happiness.

Thank you for pointing out my flaws. But this means I will have to fake it. I wasn't in the mood to do any of those things because I just woke up and was feeling kind of tired. I guess I need to work on my acting skills more. Outside of home, I don't mind faking if I have to, but at home, I want to be more natural.

Eye contact is the tricky part. Many times, I end up staring at people which freaks them out. It doesn't come naturally to me.
This is exactly what I get told everytime anyone gives me a present that I don't show enough "happiness". I guess I need to work on my acting skills too.
finished the last assignment for the current paper I am doing. Wanted to get it out the way. It's 2am - the only reason it took so long was because I am hopeless at using word processors. Stupid diagram - wouldn't position itslelf properly on the page... took me ages...

Still.... it's a fine piece of work.... if I do say so myself. 5484 words....phew.
If anyone is interested - it's about the effects of social exclusion, cultural inequities and the effects it has on minorities and their health and psychological well being.

and all that jazz..
Well done Kia!
Accomplished. I've dropped three kilos in about two weeks. At this rythm, I'm going to reach my ideal weight soon.

That's awesome, congrats!

I've been trying to reach my ideal weight since like junior year of high school, haha. I lost a good portion of the extra weight I had in high school, but I just can't seem to get rid of the last 5-10 lbs (or so, I don't own a scale right now so I don't even know where I'm at).


Well-known member
Beaten down. Doc tomorrow. Hope it's the new meds kicking my butt or else I am getting another bug. Sure have been sick a lot since August.

We are having a pretty bad snowstorm here but nothing like Boston. Long dark day.


Well-known member
^ I can't even tackle my own mountain of dishes let alone yours! :eek: Perhaps I should get into heated debates more often though to light that fire under my ass! :bigsmile:

But housework is always fun! Everything gets all clean and stuff. Also things smell nice and fresh.
Um, maybe you need to get out a little more! ;) I wish I could see the fun in that you do!
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Well-known member
Accomplished. I've dropped three kilos in about two weeks. At this rythm, I'm going to reach my ideal weight soon.
Wow, that's great! Keep it up and you'll be at your ideal weight in no time. :thumbup:

The trick is not losing it - it's keeping it off. I had that trouble and I'm paying for it now. I know I can do it again, though. I just need the mindset for it.