How are you feeling?


Well-known member
pumped about new recovery phase of some sort have quit smoking and went to gym 3 times this week and roller skating last evening. I can't believe it but I know recovery in any form is not possible without taking these actions and sticking to it. I am finding MI groups in the area and trying them also. Entropy usually hits hard and fast so I just hope I can keep it all up. My gym is free for the year through health insurance. Classes free and awesome. Wow I am eiither normal or manic today?

I forgot to mention I did fall on my butt at the roller rink and a bunch of 20, 30 somethings came to my rescue. They were pretty sweet. I was totally out of place and I did it anyway. There is hope if I can make myself do that. The friend that was supposed to come bombed out on me so I was in the situation all alone because I want to save my ass and enjoy one day on earth, dammit!
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Well-known member
A little less hopeful than I was yesterday. I try to control the feelings of worthlessness that keep creeping up but it's really hard sometimes to stay hopeful, and I just don't want those feelings to take over me like they always do. It's kind of like trying to keep your house clean with a bunch of kids that keep messing it up.. no matter how hard you try it's impossible to keep up with it.
To be honest it kind of hurt my feelings that the guy I was talking to only wanted to sleep with me. When he was talking to me at training I thought I had made a new friend. Then when I realized he was attracted to me I thought maybe a potential new boyfriend. But in spite of how friendly and intelligent he came across, he had no interest in a relationship. I'm not sure if it says something about me or about him (or both), but it sucks. It's the second time someone from work has tried that in the past 5 months or so.

Hopefully eventually I will find someone who is genuine and wants to date long-term :(


Well-known member
To be honest it kind of hurt my feelings that the guy I was talking to only wanted to sleep with me. When he was talking to me at training I thought I had made a new friend. Then when I realized he was attracted to me I thought maybe a potential new boyfriend. But in spite of how friendly and intelligent he came across, he had no interest in a relationship. I'm not sure if it says something about me or about him (or both), but it sucks. It's the second time someone from work has tried that in the past 5 months or so.

Hopefully eventually I will find someone who is genuine and wants to date long-term :(

That has nothing to do with you! This guy is just a horny fool! Sadly, you're going to run into a lot of those. Never take it personal.
Actually, it's a good thing that you found out early. A lot of guys will lie about their intentions.
I am feeling extremely jealous of people who get good things handed to them on a silver plater, without any effort on their part.
Everytime I see it and the results of it, it's feels like I am being stabbed in my soul :'(


To be honest it kind of hurt my feelings that the guy I was talking to only wanted to sleep with me. When he was talking to me at training I thought I had made a new friend. Then when I realized he was attracted to me I thought maybe a potential new boyfriend. But in spite of how friendly and intelligent he came across, he had no interest in a relationship. I'm not sure if it says something about me or about him (or both), but it sucks. It's the second time someone from work has tried that in the past 5 months or so.

Hopefully eventually I will find someone who is genuine and wants to date long-term :(

Yeah. A lot of guys will do that. They will play you and make you think they want something more - guys can be quite manipulative when it comes to sex. Trick you and tell you what you want to hear... then once they get what they want - it's all over.


Well-known member
It was recommend at work to prepare CVs. There is change coming and jobs will be lost, people will be competing for the same position. I'm not sure I would survive an interview with my anxiety.