How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Feeling kind of low right now, but hopeful. I got a 0 for an assignment so I messaged my professor asking for an explanation. I worded the email very politely. I thought the assignment was pretty easy so I was very shocked when I saw a big fat 0 on the Grades page. One 0 isn't going to kill me, but I hope to do better on my next assignments.

Edit: I am not a slacker. In fact, I am ahead in my classes in terms of readings and assignments. I submitted my assignments on time before the deadline, so far.
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Well-known member
I'm not sure what it is, but I have had conservations, with an alcholic lady, and an autistic man at railway stations, and a homeless girl with bipolar last weekend.

These people were more open and trusting than the normal populace, who respond to my anxiety with hostility and suspicoin. And I wonder sometimes who's got the problem.

I guess these people were happy someone took the time to listen, when they probably get ignored and treated poorly by the world.


Like a hamster in a wheel, in the middle of nowhere. I lack freedom and sleep, besides there is insecurity of knowing what will happen with me in the near or more distant future.


Well-known member
I was right, I was right with what I said yesterday, I think I will kill myself. Bye everybody.

Oh no. What's wrong Lea? You're a wonderful person and you deserve to feel much better. Please don't give up. Stay strong and if you want to talk I'm right here.


Sorry for making some of you worry, I am not going to kill myself yet, although I feel like that. I was just fired from this job and have no idea if the agency gives me a new one or sends me home. I don't know at all what happens next. And it's also very bad feeling that they didn't tell me anything beforehand, then suddenly they get rid of me like a disease. I must be an awfull person when everybody hates me so much. Like I was carrying some unluck or infectious disease.


Well-known member
Sorry for making some of you worry, I am not going to kill myself yet, although I feel like that. I was just fired from this job and have no idea if the agency gives me a new one or sends me home. I don't know at all what happens next. And it's also very bad feeling that they didn't tell me anything beforehand, then suddenly they get rid of me like a disease. I must be an awfull person when everybody hates me so much. Like I was carrying some unluck or infectious disease.

This should be the right place to express your feelings. You feel pain, your reaction to it is alright. I hope you don't, is there a hotline where you live? People on here will reach out to you as well.

I feel sad. I should do a lot, but I just feel like going to bed and sleeping.

Sweet dreams? Flanscho. Edit: Nevermind I misread that sorry Flanscho
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Sorry for making some of you worry, I am not going to kill myself yet, although I feel like that. I was just fired from this job and have no idea if the agency gives me a new one or sends me home. I don't know at all what happens next. And it's also very bad feeling that they didn't tell me anything beforehand, then suddenly they get rid of me like a disease. I must be an awfull person when everybody hates me so much. Like I was carrying some unluck or infectious disease.

Maybe they they fired you for a different reason. Like, maybe they needed to let some people go due to finances or something.

Just keep trying. At the very least you can say that you tried. ;3
Maybe they they fired you for a different reason. Like, maybe they needed to let some people go due to finances or something.

Just keep trying. At the very least you can say that you tried. ;3

This. And you're not an awful person, You are a good and especially kind person Lea.


I'm not sure what it is, but I have had conservations, with an alcholic lady, and an autistic man at railway stations, and a homeless girl with bipolar last weekend.

These people were more open and trusting than the normal populace, who respond to my anxiety with hostility and suspicoin. And I wonder sometimes who's got the problem.

I guess these people were happy someone took the time to listen, when they probably get ignored and treated poorly by the world.

Sounds like you might have a strength there Kiwong. Perhaps you should investigate it further?


Well-known member
^What happened?
Tired and lonely, nothing unusual.
Maybe they they fired you for a different reason. Like, maybe they needed to let some people go due to finances or something.

Just keep trying. At the very least you can say that you tried. ;3
I agree, you're so not an awful person Lea! You're a lovely person. I'm sorry you're going through a hard time.


Well-known member
I am dreading the team-meeting tomorrow.
I think I'll get my nervous giggles when there is a tense point, which I think there will be several of tomorrow.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
^What happened?

Aw, it's nowt, really. Nothing. Just somethin' trivial - ah probably shouldnae post it in this thread? But - F**k it! - am gonnae, anyway. Umm, ah just got ripped-off on a set of Kluson style vintage machine heads (guitar tuners) for the headstock of ma Fender guitar - £32, bought them on eBay. Ya bastard! Doh! :eek:h:

Ah should've paid £8 more and got geniune Kluson vintage guitar tuners - £40 - fur ma Fender Squier Stratocastor guitar. Now ah need tae modify the headstock o' ma Fender Squier guitar tae fit ma new vintage guitar tuners. Easily done, though. Nae bother... :bigsmile: :thumbup:


Well-known member
I am feeling gross. I am trying to eat better and excercize more, I've been doing ok but I didn't work out today and for the past few days been just eating whatever, even though it might not be alot it seems like it to me cause I'm so used to eating just a little bit. And I have been trying to eat somewhat clean, and when I go off that I feel really yucky :(. Gonna go run ealy tomorrow. Blah.
I am feeling gross. I am trying to eat better and excercize more, I've been doing ok but I didn't work out today and for the past few days been just eating whatever, even though it might not be alot it seems like it to me cause I'm so used to eating just a little bit. And I have been trying to eat somewhat clean, and when I go off that I feel really yucky :(. Gonna go run ealy tomorrow. Blah.

I pretty much could have written this :)

Good luck!