How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Absolutely f**kin' knackered. Just return from Frankie Boyle's stand-up comedy show at the King's Theatre. F**kin' mental, man! He actually stopped during one of his show about half an hour into it and left the stage and physically removed a heckler who was be a right c-word!

Glasgow is hands doon the most bat-s**te crazy city in the whole Scotland
Nae offense intented tae any Glaswegians there. That's meant as compliment.

Sorry, I'm just rambling now.

Right, I'm off tae ma bed, need some sleep. I'm knackered as previous stated! Later folks... :)
Like I am being held back from achieving so much more in life.
Although I have a strange sense of hope that I did not have before.
Mabye hope is the natural progression after you realize that the anger is useless.


Well-known member
anxious. My sis in law is having a baby in a couple weeks and all I can think of is when she goes back to work I'll be home alone with 2 kids. I want desperately to move but I can't find "real" work which = money to move. My brother was trying to be funny today and it annoyed me. He asked what was wrong, and I had to try to explain... people who don't have SA just don't get why we can't 'shake it off' I guess. Most often I don't mind him joking around, but all day I've been shaky, light-headed, my arms are tingly, my head is killing me, and my heart feels like it's pounding in my throat. Tried to eat, thinking my blood sugar may be a little low or something, but nearly choked on the food cuz my jaw muscles are so tight feeling.

Other than that, I'm good.
I called Barnes and Noble back. They are done hiring until the Christmas season starts. I'm really bummed. I feel like they've led me into believing I had a good chance at a job for the past 3+ weeks. I'm just going to eat my feelings, maybe have a good cry, go to bed early, and hope I feel better tomorrow.


Well-known member
Really anxious at the moment. I heard that my little cousin is in town today. She probably would want to see me. I haven't seen her in 10 years and I don't know if I want her to even see me as I am. I'm like this with all my family members. I feel ashamed when they see me with no life, hiding myself from the world.


Well-known member
Annoyed. My father never wanted anything to do with me, but now he suddenly freaks out if I don't call him on a daily basis. *headdesk*


Well-known member
I called Barnes and Noble back. They are done hiring until the Christmas season starts. I'm really bummed. I feel like they've led me into believing I had a good chance at a job for the past 3+ weeks. I'm just going to eat my feelings, maybe have a good cry, go to bed early, and hope I feel better tomorrow.
^ Aww, really sorry to hear that, super. ::(:


I let someone at work have it today...

"The only thing you are interested in is making your day easier, you have no consideration for anyone but yourself - giving me your work is presumptuous and tremendously inconsiderate. You are a twit - for your own sake - stay away from me"

Or something to that affect.

I have to have a meeting on Monday with the boss.

I'm such a badass.
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Well-known member
I have acid reflux pretty badly, for years so I somehow got used to living with it. I can lie down only if I have empty stomach, otherwise it keeps going up. I used to take Omeprazole for about half year or more, but had some problems with hair and skin and didn´t know what from, so I discontinued it. Now I only drink soda whenever I have acidic stomach, or after eating some fruits which cause a lot of acidity (even in small amounts). It is nothing serious though to be afraid of.

Thank you for responding (and thank you to the others who also replied to my post!). I appreciate it. I'm sorry to hear that you also deal with acid reflux. It's certainly not easy to live with. It's too bad you had to stop the Omeprazole, but who knows, maybe it was for the best. It's good that you have found what tends to set your acid reflux off and can avoid it. I picked up my prescription earlier and discussed it with the pharmacist. I'm still uncomfortable taking it since all three meds I'll be on will be processed through the liver and I just don't like the thought of putting that much stress on my liver. He also said to not take much Tylenol while on Omeprazole, which is another problem for me because it's all I can take for my sinus headaches and such. I cannot take anything else because they interact with my Lexapro. My mum picked me up some over-the-counter Gaviscon. I checked online and it doesn't mess with any of my medications, which is good. I'll try that and see if it helps. If not, I'll consider the Omeprazole, or I will just go back to my nurse practitioner and discuss things with her further.


Feel kind of tired. Got a phone call from a relative from whom I haven't heard about in few years and I was just at a loss of words. I couldn't really express myself the way I wanted. Made the conversation a little boring.


Staff member
I have acid reflux pretty badly, for years so I somehow got used to living with it. I can lie down only if I have empty stomach, otherwise it keeps going up. I used to take Omeprazole for about half year or more, but had some problems with hair and skin and didn´t know what from, so I discontinued it. Now I only drink soda whenever I have acidic stomach, or after eating some fruits which cause a lot of acidity (even in small amounts). It is nothing serious though to be afraid of.

I had this for years and found caffiene to be the cause, maybe you are eating something that causes it? Prop the head of you bed up about 8 inches.
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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Annoyed! My sister's really getting on ma nerves. I mean, right, why the f**k would I want tae do something I don't even like just tae be more social? That's like giving a lactose intolerance person a f**kin' cheese sandwich! Get tae f**k!

Sorry, mini-rant over.


Well-known member
Really nervous, almost to the point of tears. Meeting new family members today. I'm pretty sure I'm going to hear all the same remarks of, "Oh you look a lot younger!", "You're so short/tiny.", "You're so quiet." blah blah blah.

Or they're going to be complete snobs and act like I don't exist.
I'm not exactly sure which situation is worse: Being treated like a child or being completely ignored.

Why did I let my mother talk me into this? :confused:
I hope I'm not there for long.


Well-known member
Really nervous, almost to the point of tears. Meeting new family members today. I'm pretty sure I'm going to hear all the same remarks of, "Oh you look a lot younger!", "You're so short/tiny.", "You're so quiet." blah blah blah.

Or they're going to be complete snobs and act like I don't exist.
I'm not exactly sure which situation is worse: Being treated like a child or being completely ignored.

Why did I let my mother talk me into this? :confused:
I hope I'm not there for long.

Yeah I know how you feel. In a couple of days im going to my uncles wedding,my uncle who I see maybe once every two years. His bride has a big a$$ family who ive never met. Of course my mother is forcing me to go::(:


Well-known member
Really nervous, almost to the point of tears. Meeting new family members today. I'm pretty sure I'm going to hear all the same remarks of, "Oh you look a lot younger!", "You're so short/tiny.", "You're so quiet." blah blah blah.

Or they're going to be complete snobs and act like I don't exist.
I'm not exactly sure which situation is worse: Being treated like a child or being completely ignored.

Why did I let my mother talk me into this? :confused:
I hope I'm not there for long.

I know how this feels. Don't let them make you feel bad, you're not a child. I look like pretty young too. It's only going to be useful for us in the future :)

I hope your day turns out better than you are expecting.


Well-known member
Yeah I know how you feel. In a couple of days im going to my uncles wedding,my uncle who I see maybe once every two years. His bride has a big a$$ family who ive never met. Of course my mother is forcing me to go::(:

I've been there before. Earlier this year my brother called me so that I would speak to my niece (who I never met before) on her 17th birthday. Now how in THE HELL am I suppose to conversate with someone I've never met? I have trouble talking to people I have met, plus it's over the phone. I stutter often enough but phone conversations quadruple my anxiety, sometimes to the point where I can't even utter a single word. I just get stuck.

I know she had to be thinking, "Wow! I have a retarded uncle!" which is how I felt at the time.

I hate to sound so negative here. Sorry guys.


Well-known member
Annoyed! My sister's really getting on ma nerves. I mean, right, why the f**k would I want tae do something I don't even like just tae be more social? That's like giving a lactose intolerance person a f**kin' cheese sandwich! Get tae f**k!

Sorry, mini-rant over.

I love the analogy....