How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I feel they lied to me. My employer supervisor said she'll call me because I said I need this job, she did call me but right after she realized she got other important things to do and said she'll call me later, it's been 5 hours already, 2 more hours and their office closes...


Well-known member
Sooooooooo tired! Today I have to get a sleep deprived EEG done to see if thats why i had those seizures back in april. so I had to not sleep or eat for the past 24 hours and I only have 4 more hours till my appointment. The doctors are pretty sure that sleep deprivation was the trigger to my seizures so I really friggin hope this EEG doesn't trigger another one, my shoulders are just feeling like normal again. Baaah I hope it goes well


Well-known member
Angry. I remember why I ahte Microsoft and how crappy thier service is. I can't connect properly, can only see some contacts. No matter what messenger I use, there is always problems.


Active member
I'm angry.
Angry at my ex who is posting nasty things about me on social media, and now i stand to lose my career and reputation,
angry at myself for "forgiving" and trying to be friends...even though i know she is a stalker after 16 years,

angry at myself for making the mistake of dating her all those years ago and failing to realize just how mentally ill she really is

angry there is no compassion in this world or very little,
angry that the only thing important to people these days is themself, how they glam up and sworn only to having fun. "WOOOHOOO Look at me I'm drunk in Ibiza!"
sorry, but just really angry.


Well-known member
Anxious, as usual. *Rolls eyes.* I was diagnosed with mild acid reflux at the beginning of the year. I would have a sour stomach or sour/acidic burps and Tums would take care of it. It had been like that for the most part. Up until recently, anyway. I have been getting a gnawing/burning sensation in my stomach, along with an occasional acidic burp. I saw my nurse practitioner about it last week and she prescribed me Omeprazole, but I found out that it interacts with my Lexapro and Clonazepam. I called her yesterday and told her. She checked her medical thing and said that it just popped up with a "caution" and it should be fine to take. I also talked to Shirley the nurse at the Counseling Center (where I go for therapy) and explained what was going on. She also recommended taking the medication if my acid reflux is making me miserable. I'm supposed to go pick up the Omeprazole from the pharmacy today. Needless to say, I'm scared to take it (I always am with new medications). I fear adverse reactions and such. I'm also afraid that it won't help my acidic stomach and that will indicate that it's something more serious, which terrifies me. :( I'm trying to look at it from a rational point of view, but my fears overpower that and makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible. I keep thinking "what if something is wrong with my liver, or something equally serious?" I've been constantly checking my skin and eyes for yellowness. Ugh. I hate my brain. And now I've written too much. Just wanted to vent that. Thanks for reading, if you did.


Well-known member
Anxious, as usual. *Rolls eyes.* I was diagnosed with mild acid reflux at the beginning of the year. I would have a sour stomach or sour/acidic burps and Tums would take care of it. It had been like that for the most part. Up until recently, anyway. I have been getting a gnawing/burning sensation in my stomach, along with an occasional acidic burp. I saw my nurse practitioner about it last week and she prescribed me Omeprazole, but I found out that it interacts with my Lexapro and Clonazepam. I called her yesterday and told her. She checked her medical thing and said that it just popped up with a "caution" and it should be fine to take. I also talked to Shirley the nurse at the Counseling Center (where I go for therapy) and explained what was going on. She also recommended taking the medication if my acid reflux is making me miserable. I'm supposed to go pick up the Omeprazole from the pharmacy today. Needless to say, I'm scared to take it (I always am with new medications). I fear adverse reactions and such. I'm also afraid that it won't help my acidic stomach and that will indicate that it's something more serious, which terrifies me. :( I'm trying to look at it from a rational point of view, but my fears overpower that and makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible. I keep thinking "what if something is wrong with my liver, or something equally serious?" I've been constantly checking my skin and eyes for yellowness. Ugh. I hate my brain. And now I've written too much. Just wanted to vent that. Thanks for reading, if you did.
I'm sorry, I hope there's nothing serious though.


New member
Anxious, as usual. *Rolls eyes.* I was diagnosed with mild acid reflux at the beginning of the year. I would have a sour stomach or sour/acidic burps and Tums would take care of it. It had been like that for the most part. Up until recently, anyway. I have been getting a gnawing/burning sensation in my stomach, along with an occasional acidic burp. I saw my nurse practitioner about it last week and she prescribed me Omeprazole, but I found out that it interacts with my Lexapro and Clonazepam. I called her yesterday and told her. She checked her medical thing and said that it just popped up with a "caution" and it should be fine to take. I also talked to Shirley the nurse at the Counseling Center (where I go for therapy) and explained what was going on. She also recommended taking the medication if my acid reflux is making me miserable. I'm supposed to go pick up the Omeprazole from the pharmacy today. Needless to say, I'm scared to take it (I always am with new medications). I fear adverse reactions and such. I'm also afraid that it won't help my acidic stomach and that will indicate that it's something more serious, which terrifies me. :( I'm trying to look at it from a rational point of view, but my fears overpower that and makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible. I keep thinking "what if something is wrong with my liver, or something equally serious?" I've been constantly checking my skin and eyes for yellowness. Ugh. I hate my brain. And now I've written too much. Just wanted to vent that. Thanks for reading, if you did.

I love your pic!


Anxious, as usual. *Rolls eyes.* I was diagnosed with mild acid reflux at the beginning of the year. I would have a sour stomach or sour/acidic burps and Tums would take care of it. It had been like that for the most part. Up until recently, anyway. I have been getting a gnawing/burning sensation in my stomach, along with an occasional acidic burp. I saw my nurse practitioner about it last week and she prescribed me Omeprazole, but I found out that it interacts with my Lexapro and Clonazepam. I called her yesterday and told her. She checked her medical thing and said that it just popped up with a "caution" and it should be fine to take. I also talked to Shirley the nurse at the Counseling Center (where I go for therapy) and explained what was going on. She also recommended taking the medication if my acid reflux is making me miserable. I'm supposed to go pick up the Omeprazole from the pharmacy today. Needless to say, I'm scared to take it (I always am with new medications). I fear adverse reactions and such. I'm also afraid that it won't help my acidic stomach and that will indicate that it's something more serious, which terrifies me. :( I'm trying to look at it from a rational point of view, but my fears overpower that and makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible. I keep thinking "what if something is wrong with my liver, or something equally serious?" I've been constantly checking my skin and eyes for yellowness. Ugh. I hate my brain. And now I've written too much. Just wanted to vent that. Thanks for reading, if you did.

I have acid reflux pretty badly, for years so I somehow got used to living with it. I can lie down only if I have empty stomach, otherwise it keeps going up. I used to take Omeprazole for about half year or more, but had some problems with hair and skin and didn´t know what from, so I discontinued it. Now I only drink soda whenever I have acidic stomach, or after eating some fruits which cause a lot of acidity (even in small amounts). It is nothing serious though to be afraid of.


Well-known member
Feeling a little bit better. My stomach is still upset. It's very warm and that is usually the main contribute. I went to FutureShop, did not see the girl I have a crush on, so that made me feel a bit better.


Well-known member
Thank you. I'm just extremely frustrated at the moment, and trying to control my anger and black & white thinking. I feel like it will just keep bottling up if I don't let it out somehow.
I'm sorry you feel that way, I hope you manage to do what you want so you can feel better again. Knowing the problem is an important step! I deal with black and white thinking sometimes too, deep inside I know it doesn't make sense, but at the moment there's nothing you can do.
You mustn't bottle it up, try to find some place you feel comfortable it. If not irl, you can always talk about it in here, or if you can't in public, you can send me a PM or message me on FB.

Whatever you do, I hope you feel better asap :)
The one friend, who I thought, was going to be that one awesome best friend, based on our conversations about how hard it is just to make good friends anymore, and our chemistry when we hanged out in person is now ignoring me, after flaking out on a planned day to hang-out, Now I'm famished, because I starve myself to punish myself when things don't go my way, as I feel responsible, be it my fault or not.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you feel that way, I hope you manage to do what you want so you can feel better again. Knowing the problem is an important step! I deal with black and white thinking sometimes too, deep inside I know it doesn't make sense, but at the moment there's nothing you can do.
You mustn't bottle it up, try to find some place you feel comfortable it. If not irl, you can always talk about it in here, or if you can't in public, you can send me a PM or message me on FB.

Whatever you do, I hope you feel better asap :)

Thanks Jones. I went to eat with my sister and mom and got a little venting done, so I'm feeling better for the moment. :)