How are you feeling?

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
Annoyed! My sister's really getting on ma nerves. I mean, right, why the f**k would I want tae do something I don't even like just tae be more social? That's like giving a lactose intolerance person a f**kin' cheese sandwich! Get tae f**k!

Sorry, mini-rant over.

To get over SA, I think its important to do things that YOU want to do. If you are doing things you absolutely hate then its going to make it worse.
^ Oh, Lea. ::(:::(: I'm so sorry. If you ever want to vent, my inbox is open.

Really nervous, almost to the point of tears. Meeting new family members today. I'm pretty sure I'm going to hear all the same remarks of, "Oh you look a lot younger!", "You're so short/tiny.", "You're so quiet." blah blah blah.

Or they're going to be complete snobs and act like I don't exist.
I'm not exactly sure which situation is worse: Being treated like a child or being completely ignored.

Why did I let my mother talk me into this? :confused:
I hope I'm not there for long.

If they something to you, just say, "Oh, you look older/uglier than I remembered." I understand your nervousness, though. My mother's family is huge and I'm always meeting people and I have no idea how I'm related to them. We just exchanged "hellos" and "it's nice to meet yous" and I spend the rest of the time talking to the family members I actually know. I hope it goes well!

I'm sorry you all are feeling so badly. Group hug!

I'm still disappointed about B&N, but life goes on. I'll just have to keep looking for a job elsewhere.
I feel disgusting. And pissed off at everything. I feel like breaking things.

And I regret not making a retort to that security lady the day I quit my job, the one who was the final straw who said, as I showed her my ID, "You look like a baby. You have a baby face."

Yeah, that was days ago, and yeah maybe to you it sounds harmless, but really think about it for a second. What the f*** is that supposed to mean??? I'm a 21-year-old woman. How downright blatantly insulting! I look like a baby? Well, YOU look like a fatass. And a f***tard. And a bitch. How's that, honey? Think next time you open that hole in your face.

Sorry for being so rude, I've just HAD IT.


Thanks Superfluouslyme.

Tally_Lyra I think you´re very pretty, it stands out, maybe she is jealous. Apart from that, nobody can choose their looks so if someone contemps you for how you look, they just have problem, but it´s THEIR problem.

It is also possible that she didn´t mean it in a bad way.


Well-known member
I know how this feels. Don't let them make you feel bad, you're not a child. I look like pretty young too. It's only going to be useful for us in the future :)

I hope your day turns out better than you are expecting.

Yeah I know how you feel. In a couple of days im going to my uncles wedding,my uncle who I see maybe once every two years. His bride has a big a$$ family who ive never met. Of course my mother is forcing me to go::(:

If they something to you, just say, "Oh, you look older/uglier than I remembered." I understand your nervousness, though. My mother's family is huge and I'm always meeting people and I have no idea how I'm related to them. We just exchanged "hellos" and "it's nice to meet yous" and I spend the rest of the time talking to the family members I actually know. I hope it goes well!

I'm sorry you all are feeling so badly. Group hug!
^ Thanks guys. I can't say it was a disaster, but it definitely didn't go fantastic, at least for me. My mom mostly introduced me to people, or they introduced themselves, then she went on her own to talk to the rest. I didn't go along with her, rather I just sat at the table watching everyone. I had enough after about 20 mins. of intros. I did manage to talk a little to the woman I was sitting at the table with though (she was an aunt I think?), she was really nice and quiet too so I felt a bit more comfortable.

The other relatives were nice too, and didn't ignore me, but all the "young" comments. Ugh... I know I was expecting it and I know I get it tons, but every single time I hear it, it feels like a stab in the heart for me. Honestly every time someone says, "You certainly don't look like you're supposed to be in college" or something to that extent, I feel like a child. I feel like they're talking down to me and it pisses me off that I'm not taken seriously. I'm small, I look young no matter what I do, so what? Treat me like an adult, talk to me as I am, not like some preteen girl. At least no one asked if I was starting high school, thank god. One woman did look at me up and down and jokingly asked if I was ever going to grow up. You should talk lady, you're only 4 inches taller than me. -_- Sorry, but that comment irked me. I'm not normally too sensitive about my height, but after hearing comments a bunch of times at once it kinda gets on your nerves.

Anyway I'm still feeling pissed/depressed after all that. Methinks I'm going to sit in front of this computer all night, eat my feelings, listen to some metal, and maybe have a cry since I've been bottling up everything all day. This is going to be a fantastic pity party.
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Well-known member
Like I bathed in a bottle of suntan lotion. Which I kind of did. End work end (since I wasn't supposed to be here anyway *grumbles*), so I can shower!


Well-known member
^ Thanks guys. I can't say it was a disaster, but it definitely didn't go fantastic, at least for me. My mom mostly introduced me to people, or they introduced themselves, then she went on her own to talk to the rest. I didn't go along with her, rather I just sat at the table watching everyone. I had enough after about 20 mins. of intros. I did manage to talk a little to the woman I was sitting at the table with though (she was an aunt I think?), she was really nice and quiet too so I felt a bit more comfortable.

The other relatives were nice too, and didn't ignore me, but all the "young" comments. Ugh... I know I was expecting it and I know I get it tons, but every single time I hear it, it feels like a stab in the heart for me. Honestly every time someone says, "You certainly don't look like you're supposed to be in college" or something to that extent, I feel like a child. I feel like they're talking down to me and it pisses me off that I'm not taken seriously. I'm small, I look young no matter what I do, so what? Treat me like an adult, talk to me as I am, not like some preteen girl. At least no one asked if I was starting high school, thank god. One woman did look at me up and down and jokingly asked if I was ever going to grow up. You should talk lady, you're only 4 inches taller than me. -_- Sorry, but that comment irked me. I'm not normally too sensitive about my height, but after hearing comments a bunch of times at once it kinda gets on your nerves.

Anyway I'm still feeling pissed/depressed after all that. Methinks I'm going to sit in front of this computer all night, eat my feelings, listen to some metal, and maybe have a cry since I've been bottling up everything all day. This is going to be a fantastic pity party.

Oh man. I was wondering how your day was going ( not to be creeepy lol). I was just hoping that you would have ended up having a good time. & people wouldn't be so rude. Guess not. Well, I am proud of you for going & keeping your composure.

My family is the sameeeee way. I have my septum pierced, lip and I used to have my clavicles done. and eveeeerytime we would have get togethers they would have some smartass remark about it.And still do! How guys don't like girls with pierceings or if I am in a tribe??? Or because I have sidebangs how can I see with one eye lol. That I would look so much better without them. and lets not get started on my tattoos.

Eff em, tiny girls are cute. Who cares what they say, I bet you're adorable! Don't let them have power of you- and it seems to me, you way more grown up then any of those people who made those snarky remarks. Hope you're feeling better. No pitty party!!!:eek:


Well-known member
Sick, eating a ham and cheese sandwhich, that I don't like. I don't want to waste it. Also, the milk taste different tonight, maybe it's just me.


Well-known member
^ Thanks guys. I can't say it was a disaster, but it definitely didn't go fantastic, at least for me. My mom mostly introduced me to people, or they introduced themselves, then she went on her own to talk to the rest. I didn't go along with her, rather I just sat at the table watching everyone. I had enough after about 20 mins. of intros. I did manage to talk a little to the woman I was sitting at the table with though (she was an aunt I think?), she was really nice and quiet too so I felt a bit more comfortable.

The other relatives were nice too, and didn't ignore me, but all the "young" comments. Ugh... I know I was expecting it and I know I get it tons, but every single time I hear it, it feels like a stab in the heart for me. Honestly every time someone says, "You certainly don't look like you're supposed to be in college" or something to that extent, I feel like a child. I feel like they're talking down to me and it pisses me off that I'm not taken seriously. I'm small, I look young no matter what I do, so what? Treat me like an adult, talk to me as I am, not like some preteen girl. At least no one asked if I was starting high school, thank god. One woman did look at me up and down and jokingly asked if I was ever going to grow up. You should talk lady, you're only 4 inches taller than me. -_- Sorry, but that comment irked me. I'm not normally too sensitive about my height, but after hearing comments a bunch of times at once it kinda gets on your nerves.

Anyway I'm still feeling pissed/depressed after all that. Methinks I'm going to sit in front of this computer all night, eat my feelings, listen to some metal, and maybe have a cry since I've been bottling up everything all day. This is going to be a fantastic pity party.

relatives seem to be the best at finding the things you're most sensitive about and pointing them out over and over

you did well to attend in the first place, and then you got through it all intact

pat yourself on the back!


Well-known member
Oh man. I was wondering how your day was going ( not to be creeepy lol). I was just hoping that you would have ended up having a good time. & people wouldn't be so rude. Guess not. Well, I am proud of you for going & keeping your composure.

My family is the sameeeee way. I have my septum pierced, lip and I used to have my clavicles done. and eveeeerytime we would have get togethers they would have some smartass remark about it.And still do! How guys don't like girls with pierceings or if I am in a tribe??? Or because I have sidebangs how can I see with one eye lol. That I would look so much better without them. and lets not get started on my tattoos.

Eff em, tiny girls are cute. Who cares what they say, I bet you're adorable! Don't let them have power of you- and it seems to me, you way more grown up then any of those people who made those snarky remarks. Hope you're feeling better. No pitty party!!!:eek:
^ Lol part of a tribe? What? Personally I love piercings and I like seeing them on other people, both on guys and girls. I find them interesting. I only have my ears pierced, but I would like second, and possibly third piercings too, plus I want the top of my right ear pierced. I would also love my eyebrow pierced and I'll get that done someday too. My parents hate the idea, but I don't really care. It's my face, I'll do what I want. Thankfully for them I'm not into tattoos for myself, only because I get bored very easily and I think I would hate seeing the same thing on myself every single day for the rest of my life. I do like seeing tattoos on others though, they're neat works of art. :) (some can be tacky though)

Anyway, thank you. I am feeling better after some music, eating, and tumblring. :)

relatives seem to be the best at finding the things you're most sensitive about and pointing them out over and over

you did well to attend in the first place, and then you got through it all intact

pat yourself on the back!
^ Thanks coyote. :)


Well-known member
^ Lol part of a tribe? What? Personally I love piercings and I like seeing them on other people, both on guys and girls. I find them interesting. I only have my ears pierced, but I would like second, and possibly third piercings too, plus I want the top of my right ear pierced. I would also love my eyebrow pierced and I'll get that done someday too. My parents hate the idea, but I don't really care. It's my face, I'll do what I want. Thankfully for them I'm not into tattoos for myself, only because I get bored very easily and I think I would hate seeing the same thing on myself every single day for the rest of my life. I do like seeing tattoos on others though, they're neat works of art. :) (some can be tacky though)

Anyway, thank you. I am feeling better after some music, eating, and tumblring. :)

Hahahah, I know, I think it's funny when they say that! Ohhhh. Get your eyebrow done! That was my first piercing (besides my ears) Getting your ears done hurt wayyyy more tho. Idk, I love them, esp dermals. I miss my clavicles but surface piercings are a bitch since they can reject easily.

I agree with you on tattoos. I get bored easily & cant commit to anything lol. But, I have a tattoo in rememberence of my grandmom. Its three purple orchids with her initials ( 3-stands for my brothers & I, purple her birthstone color & that was her favorie flower) & I have another which is I regret & needs to be removed!

...tumblr makes everything better..

@ coyote ; I had a feeling that Hubert had good taste.