How are you feeling?


Well-known member
a bit confused, scared.. have to call my dad after not calling him for 2 months. i feel bad for it, that i never phone him.


Well-known member
I'm having a "what's the point and what does it all mean?" kind of day. typical tuesday for me. Tuesday and Wednesday are the worst days of the week for some reason.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Meh! I can't be bothered, I'm in a pretty crap mood today. Just want to be left alone, don't talk to me. Just... don't, okay? Is time to myself too much to ask? I know I spend alot of time by myself, but that's not the point.

I hate having to interact socially with people when I'm feeling this way. I can't fake interest in something, especially when I really don't give a f**k either way. Sorry.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I feel like a freak today.. Being stared at while I wrote replies to people.. My anxiety went from moderate to severe.. My hands were shaking so badly.. Then the person using the word "disability" made me feel even more of a freak.. ::(:


not actually Fiona Apple
I was going to meet with people about a group project today, that was rescheduled until tomorrow after class, so I'm relieved I don't have to worry about finding them in the library. Tired lately too, something has been keeping me up and when I finally do go to bed I'm not sleeping...well not until my classes in the morning ::p:. Think I'll try to go to bed early today w/sleeping pill.

I love this guys videos. They always sum up exactly how I feel::(:
"Things I have Worried About" Tales Of Mere Existence - YouTube

Me too, he's good at summing things up.

MUTE / NUMB Tales Of Mere Existence - YouTube

"Arrogance And Confidence" Tales Of Mere Existence - YouTube


Well-known member
Pretty horrible, got no sleep at all last night. Have a banging migraine and my nerve damage has also decided today is a good day to give me sensations ranging from being on fire to electric shocks >.< meh.. bleh ffs

Still managed to get my ass to my doctors appointment though and even braved the supermarket :)


Well-known member
I'm having a "what's the point and what does it all mean?" kind of day. typical tuesday for me. Tuesday and Wednesday are the worst days of the week for some reason.
I know that feeling. Why Tuesday and Wednesday? Do you mix up your schedule at all during these days?


Well-known member
I had a pretty good day. I went to a job interview which seems promising. With the confidence boost I got from that, I did something I've never done before, went to a restaurant by myself.


Well-known member
Like a failure. So it's music time and I might go for a walk later to curb it.

I have today and tomorrow to go and then I get two days off (unusual for me), then one more day of work, then a holiday. Just need to hold on for that.


Well-known member
Like a failure. So it's music time and I might go for a walk later to curb it.

I have today and tomorrow to go and then I get two days off (unusual for me), then one more day of work, then a holiday. Just need to hold on for that.
You're definitely not a failure. Hope you feel better :)
ahhh good ol SA (furious sarcasm) . Having to send an e-mail and trembling when hovering over the send button.
I do that a lot too.
Mild anxiety, mixed with the start of a major migraine..
Hope you feel better.
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