How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I am exhausted from the meltdown I had this afternoon. Long story short--I had a doctor's appointment at 1:30. I scheduled it at this time so I'd be able to pick my son up from preschool at 2:45. The doctor didn't see me till almost 2:30 and I was leaving the office at 2:46. Then, I took a wrong turn on the way to pick my son up, so I was 30 minutes late. I feel awful, especially since I worried that I was inconveniencing the teachers. When I came into the school, I was teary eyed as I explained to the teacher what happened. I was also yelling at all the drivers/lights around me, as though I'd get there faster.


Well-known member
Sick, anxious, on edge... have a headache, heart palpitations, chest pain...

I have to go tomorrow, though... I've promised my therapist that I would challenge myself.
I feel like this is too much of a challenge, though... -_________-


Well-known member
This has been the most boring day. I didn't have much to do at work because my boss was out and I finished everything, so I just sat and ate half a box of hot chilli flatbreads and drank about 5 cups of coffee whilst trying to discover how many rows and columns there are in a single Excel spreadsheet. (Something like 66,000 rows and 250 columns).
I really have nothing else to say right now.
Wow...that is the epitome of boredom....

Sick, anxious, on edge... have a headache, heart palpitations, chest pain...

I have to go tomorrow, though... I've promised my therapist that I would challenge myself.
I feel like this is too much of a challenge, though... -_________-
What are you going to do?

I'm feeling slightly better than last night. Two days off starting tomorrow. I'm salivating at the idea of sleeping in.


Well-known member
What are you going to do?

I'm feeling slightly better than last night. Two days off starting tomorrow. I'm salivating at the idea of sleeping in.

My mom and brother are going to the city for a birthday dinner for my sister and I, since her birthday was today (one day after mine) and she has tomorrow off of work.
So... fancy dinner-- I need to figure out what to wear to dress appropriately.
First time seeing her since her pregnancy announcement... and she's invited a bunch of her friends. Most of whom are former colleagues of mine... who I haven't seen or spoken to in 4 years.
...scared of looking ridiculous... scared of all of the questions I'm going to be asked because I have not moved a single step forward since the breakup and I know people have always expected alot from me.
I'm really freaking out... damn anticipatory anxiety ::(:

have a lovely time sleeping in, Mikey! >D


Well-known member
My mom and brother are going to the city for a birthday dinner for my sister and I, since her birthday was today (one day after mine) and she has tomorrow off of work.
So... fancy dinner-- I need to figure out what to wear to dress appropriately.
First time seeing her since her pregnancy announcement... and she's invited a bunch of her friends. Most of whom are former colleagues of mine... who I haven't seen or spoken to in 4 years.
...scared of looking ridiculous... scared of all of the questions I'm going to be asked because I have not moved a single step forward since the breakup and I know people have always expected alot from me.
I'm really freaking out... damn anticipatory anxiety ::(:

have a lovely time sleeping in, Mikey! >D
Oh, I'm sorry. It will probably be unnerving but hopefully it won't be too bad for you. I don't like having dinner in large groups, either. If I were there I'd flick peas at those making you anxious.

Oh, I will. I've been underslept for the last 2 weeks.
Our cat has cancer. We are having her put to sleep later today. I feel like I'm all cried out, but I'm sure I'll find some new reserves when the time comes. ::(:


Well-known member
Our cat has cancer. We are having her put to sleep later today. I feel like I'm all cried out, but I'm sure I'll find some new reserves when the time comes. ::(:
I'm really sorry. ::(:

Two days off. What a really, really bad shift to end on. Feel like crap but I can sleep in tomorrow.
Our cat has cancer. We are having her put to sleep later today. I feel like I'm all cried out, but I'm sure I'll find some new reserves when the time comes. ::(:

::(: That is so sad to hear. I hope the grief does not knock you down for too long superfluouslyme.

Tired...I wake up in the morning feeling awesome and towards the evening I end up crying myself to sleep...

Is there anything that you can do to change whatever is making you cry yourself to sleep at night? If not, hang in there and I hope it passes soon for you ((Hugs))
I'm quite angry right now.

I seriously hate my brother's girlfriends. She is the most immature, rude, passive aggressive and two faced person I have ever met.

She's in our house all the time, even when nobody is around. Even invites girlfriends over, in our house, when there is nobody around. I'm so tired of people violating what is supposed to be my safe place. ****.
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Well-known member
I'm quite angry right now.

I seriously hate my brothers girlfriends. She is the most immature, rude, passive aggressive and two faced person I have ever met.

She's in our house all the time, even when nobody is around. Even invites girlfriends over, in our house, when there is nobody around. I'm so tired of people violating what is supposed to be my safe place. ****.
Can you tell her any of this? Or is that going to be too confrontational?

Also I'm sure you made a spelling error with "girlfriends", right? Haha.
Our cat has cancer. We are having her put to sleep later today. I feel like I'm all cried out, but I'm sure I'll find some new reserves when the time comes. ::(:

That's terrible. :C You're doing the right thing, though. You're saving her a lot of pain by letting her go peacefully.

I'm sorry for your loss, Super. I hope it won't be too hard.
Can you tell her any of this? Or is that going to be too confrontational?

Also I'm sure you made a spelling error with "girlfriends", right? Haha.

Unfortunately I can't really do anything about it. Both her and my brother tend to blow a fuse when any aspect of their relationship is brought up. She knows very well that she's not welcome here, my mother has told her so. Like, in those actual words. ''I don't want you here during the week, only on the weekend''.

And no, that wasn't a typo. She really that rude and disrespectful. :/


Well-known member
Unfortunately I can't really do anything about it. Both her and my brother tend to blow a fuse when any aspect of their relationship is brought up. She knows very well that she's not welcome here, my mother has told her so. Like, in those actual words. ''I don't want you here during the week, only on the weekend''.

And no, that wasn't a typo. She really that rude and disrespectful. :/
If your mum has told her that, then she probably already knows she's on thin ice.

Sorry you have to put up with it. Even though you probably have very little to do with her, having someone so toxic in your space doesn't bode well. Kind of makes me glad my brother's girlfriend isn't too bad.