How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Right now, I wish certains members of my family would just f#*k the f#*k off, leave me alone, and accept the fact that if I don't want to do something, chances are I not going to it.

I'm tired of having please people all the bloody time. :mad:
I hate when people force me to do I don't like. If you strongly don't want to something then don't its impossible to always please everyone.


Active member
Why are you depressed? I hope you feel better :)

I'm glad it went well. I hope everything works out good for you. Good luck!

nah still depressed. hate myself, my look and when i think what i acomplished (not) in this life i just see how pathetic i am. want to think positive but i cant ...


Well-known member
nah still depressed. hate myself, my look and when i think what i acomplished (not) in this life i just see how pathetic i am. want to think positive but i cant ...

Sorry to hear that. Yeah, sometimes its hard to be positive but I'm sure you're not pathetic. Your life isn't over yet so there's still time acomplish what you want. Please don't hate yourself *hugs* If you ever want to talk my inbox is always open.


Well-known member
I'm not sure how I feel. It's not necessarily good, but it has the potential to be worse. I'm kind of teetering on the edge, I guess.


Well-known member
I've been living here for two months already and still haven't found any real friends. Everyday I think of the people from Poland as friends, as the people I am close to, but how long can that last?


Well-known member
Having a bit of an anxiety attack right now..
I hope that passes. ::(:

I feel like pewp.
That's no good. What's wrong?

I've been living here for two months already and still haven't found any real friends. Everyday I think of the people from Poland as friends, as the people I am close to, but how long can that last?
Have you been going out much? Making yourself known will land you some cool friends. :)

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Distract yourself and wait it out...
that's all you can really do, unfortunately. ::(:

It's slowly subsiding.. I'm no stranger to it, so I know what to do.. ;) Thanks though! :)

I hope that passes. ::(:

Slow but steadily it is.. I just think it is caused by anticipation of going to the college in the morning.. All I can think about is how I'm going to get through 'talking' with the counselor there.. Might be a good idea to bring some paper, wear my sunglasses and hope I don't have a major anxiety attack when I get there..