How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Exactly like this: "Uggghhhhhhh"

Once again, I can't sleep, because I can't stop beating myself up. Me being alone with my thoughts can be dangerous. Annddddd, I have to work tonight. :(


Well-known member
today I feel better than the entire last month. I strted to post here in SPW, what actually is very nice, because here are all nice people:) and this friday my vacations are gonna start. heheh


Well-known member
Yeah people are very supportive here and you can almost talk to all of them when you need advice or just need to vent :)

I'm actually feeling ALOT better now that there has been a development in my personal life :)


Well-known member
The same sadness I felt yesterday came back. Bleh. It's a nice day, I shouldn't be feeling like this.

On a happier note, I took a look at my math grade today. It's almost an A! :eek: I was shocked, as I haven't had that high of a math grade since middle school (Statistics last semester doesn't count, that was hardly math. More like literature with a few numbers thrown in. :rolleyes:). As much as I've been struggling, looks like spending long hours on homework is paying off.


Well-known member
Now confused, but still sad.

Spent hours and hours crying, wanting to scream, but nothing would come out.

I don't know how to feel anymore.

I'm scared, I hope it is not true...


Well-known member
Maybe on opposite day.

What happened to living life to the full? ::(:
Things change... I guess I'm feeling better now.
I am sick of chasing people, I have been a loner for ages, I should just accept it.
I feel the same. I'm always the one who has to do all the job, people are just not interested in me, because I'm boring and depressing. People want to be around happier people.


Well-known member
I chewed up my fingers again. >.< Every time, I tell ya. EVERY TIME I stop doing it for a few days or a week or two, I'll tear 'em up out of the blue. I'm annoyed with myself right now, and I'm considering punishing myself later on by sticking my hands under hot water.


Well-known member
I'm feeling better. This cycle I'm in sucks. This happened yesterday too, being sad for the whole second half of the day, but once evening/night comes I feel better.

You all sound like you need a hug.


Well-known member
I chewed up my fingers again. >.< Every time, I tell ya. EVERY TIME I stop doing it for a few days or a week or two, I'll tear 'em up out of the blue. I'm annoyed with myself right now, and I'm considering punishing myself later on by sticking my hands under hot water.
^ Do you polish your nails at all? I only use a clear coat, the nail strengthening stuff since my nails tend to chip easily, but it helps me a lot. I still bite my nails from time to time, especially when I'm stressed, but I've curbed my habit mostly for about a year now. When I feel the urge to bite my nails, I try to keep my hands busy with either typing, cleaning my room, or folding/putting away laundry, or I'll chew a piece of gum.


Well-known member
I'm feeling better. This cycle I'm in sucks. This happened yesterday too, being sad for the whole second half of the day, but once evening/night comes I feel better.

You all sound like you need a hug.
You need a hug, too. *hugs Phoenixx*


Well-known member
^ Do you polish your nails at all? I only use a clear coat, the nail strengthening stuff since my nails tend to chip easily, but it helps me a lot. I still bite my nails from time to time, especially when I'm stressed, but I've curbed my habit mostly for about a year now. When I feel the urge to bite my nails, I try to keep my hands busy with either typing, cleaning my room, or folding/putting away laundry, or I'll chew a piece of gum.

I do paint my nails, but it's the skin around them that I chew. I'm starting to wonder if I should paint them twice a week instead of once a week.