How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Usually id be excited for a freak snow storm coming through and cancelling school,but not really-_-

On this end of Canada (Don't know which end you're in it could be the same ::p:) Whenever we hear a snowstorm rumor we usually ignore it because it never happens! Such a huge let down, aha.
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Well-known member
Sad. Almost depressed in a way. After class today, my teacher got to talking with me right before I left. Talked about my third project and how we'll critique that on Thursday, then asked if I started my fourth that's also due Thursday. I told him I wouldn't be able to make that deadline either. He walked with me out and asked whether I could come in early or stay later. By missing the deadline it's going to "whittle down" my grade. I understand that, but it's not the grade I have a problem with. It's the fact I still feel like I have nothing. I'm not showing my best work, and I just feel like I'm letting him down. Sometimes I seek approval so much, especially from authority, it hurts. I don't know why I even care. I don't know why he even cares. Most professors wouldn't give me, or anybody, the leeway he does. I'm not sure why he does it. Can't say I don't appreciate it, but it just makes me upset that I can't repay him properly with my work.

I just hate how I have no creativity. It upsets me I can't create a single thing like I used to, all because of this stupid anxiety and depression. I know the talent is still there, the motivation and the creativity isn't and it really makes me wonder how long it's going to take to get that back. I guess after not doing a single thing with art for over 2 years, it's going to take a while to get it all back.


Well-known member
That sucks Phoenixx, it can be extremely frustrating to feel as though a creative outlet is being blocked up by anxiety.

Can you think of anywhere you could go that might trigger the creativity back? Like somewhere that has great views of nature etc? Or even some music that you could listen to? When I get writer's block from anxiety, I try and change my surroundings a little bit, such as going to the river, or laying down and taking some deep breaths and closing to my eyes whilst listening to some instrumental music.

The creativity is still within you, you can find it again :)
^ Thanks, twiggle. :) I've tried with music several times, but unfortunately it hasn't been helping in the least bit. I think a walk might do me some good though. Maybe go down to the woods with my sketchbook and see if I'm able to find any lost creativity. Don't worry, I'm not ready to give up. It's just so frustrating.
Sad. Almost depressed in a way. After class today, my teacher got to talking with me right before I left. Talked about my third project and how we'll critique that on Thursday, then asked if I started my fourth that's also due Thursday. I told him I wouldn't be able to make that deadline either. He walked with me out and asked whether I could come in early or stay later. By missing the deadline it's going to "whittle down" my grade. I understand that, but it's not the grade I have a problem with. It's the fact I still feel like I have nothing. I'm not showing my best work, and I just feel like I'm letting him down. Sometimes I seek approval so much, especially from authority, it hurts. I don't know why I even care. I don't know why he even cares. Most professors wouldn't give me, or anybody, the leeway he does. I'm not sure why he does it. Can't say I don't appreciate it, but it just makes me upset that I can't repay him properly with my work.

I just hate how I have no creativity. It upsets me I can't create a single thing like I used to, all because of this stupid anxiety and depression. I know the talent is still there, the motivation and the creativity isn't and it really makes me wonder how long it's going to take to get that back. I guess after not doing a single thing with art for over 2 years, it's going to take a while to get it all back.

I remember having creativity issues in my graphics class. My teacher was really cool and, if I would go in early or stay later, he would help get my creative juices flowing. Maybe if you have some independent work time with him, he may be able to help you out. Telling him your muse is MIA isn't going to make him think less of you. It happens to everyone, especially artists. (Mine goes missing for months on end.)

I took a tumble in the driveway today. I took the cat outside to play in the grass. When I picked her up to bring her in, I stumbled over something. She jumped ship before I even hit the ground. I scratched the hell out of my elbow and the cat hates me because she thinks I threw her. :rolleyes:

I saw my therapist yesterday. She gave me lots of things to think about.


Well-known member
I remember having creativity issues in my graphics class. My teacher was really cool and, if I would go in early or stay later, he would help get my creative juices flowing. Maybe if you have some independent work time with him, he may be able to help you out. Telling him your muse is MIA isn't going to make him think less of you. It happens to everyone, especially artists. (Mine goes missing for months on end.)
^ I'm glad you said that. That's what I've been afraid of. I was afraid that not only would he think less of me, but that the subject of my anxiety and depression would come up and I'd have to explain to him how I haven't done any art in 3 years. There are a handful of very creative people in my class and I'm pretty intimidated by them. Those who are in his drawing class get a little more attention than the rest of us because he knows their talent, but he still gives everyone a chance and that's what I like about him. He doesn't expect masterpieces from everybody and still has a heart for even the most average pieces of work. I still want to prove something though. I think I'll go in an hour early and stay an hour late on Thursday, tell him about my creativity issues, and see if he can help me. Thanks, super. :)
Another headache. I'm tired and headed to bed. Goodnight, peeps!

Super out.
Headaches must be doing the rounds in spw. My headache cleared this morn (so far) after 36 hrs. Now I am trying to get up because I promised to do an early gym class. Tired.