How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Re: ^ ninja'd!

Another headache. I'm tired and headed to bed. Goodnight, peeps!

Super out.

Sinus headachey. Going to bed early.

^Goodnight to you both :)


Hie yer hence from me heath!
^What's wrong?

Oh man, where do I start? My sister recently questioned why I choose therapy over medication because she thinks I don't get anxious in public, which pissed me off because I thought she knew what I was going through - at least, that's what she told me last month. My mum doesn't take me social anxiety seriously, but then, neither does my family most of the time.

Aside from that... I've been feeling pretty miserable, angry and self-loathing. I think I've lost my desire to be creative. Oh, I've pondering what my life will be like when I'm 40 (My dad would constantly asking where I see myself in 20 years - that's one reason why we don't keep in touch anymore). 20 years time? At this rate, I'm probably going to be alone for the rest of my life. ::(:

I could go on... I've had alot on my mind, lately. All I know is my counselor going to have their work cut out from them when I start my sessions.


Well-known member
Can't eat. Can't get up without falling over. I feel terrible.
Plus I'm missing another day of school because of this. I don't know what to do with my life anymore.


Well-known member
Oh man, where do I start? My sister recently questioned why I choose therapy over medication because she thinks I don't get anxious in public, which pissed me off because I thought she knew what I was going through - at least, that's what she told me last month. My mum doesn't take me social anxiety seriously, but then, neither does my family most of the time.

Aside from that... I've been feeling pretty miserable, angry and self-loathing. I think I've lost my desire to be creative. Oh, I've pondering what my life will be like when I'm 40 (My dad would constantly asking where I see myself in 20 years - that's one reason why we don't keep in touch anymore). 20 years time? At this rate, I'm probably going to be alone for the rest of my life. ::(:

I could go on... I've had alot on my mind, lately. All I know is my counselor going to have their work cut out from them when I start my sessions.

I'm sorry to hear that your family doesn't understand, mine are the same though. I guess some people just don't get it no matter how much you try. But I'm sure therapy can be somewhat a help, I hope it works good for you.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I'm sorry to hear that your family doesn't understand, mine are the same though. I guess some people just don't get it no matter how much you try. But I'm sure therapy can be somewhat a help, I hope it works good for you.

I hope so too. Though, I'm frustrated that I'm still waiting to hear when my counseling sessions start. All I know is I've been put on the waiting list. I got a letter back from my doctor 2 weeks ago. And I'm entitled to 3 sessions, but can get more if my therapist thinks I need more, and probably will. Because I don't see my SA, depression and related issues getting resolved after 3 hours of therapy.

So, at least, it's something. It's just the waiting that gets me.


Well-known member
Can't eat. Can't get up without falling over. I feel terrible.
Plus I'm missing another day of school because of this. I don't know what to do with my life anymore.
^That's really awful. Hope you feel better :)
I hope so too. Though, I'm frustrated that I'm still waiting to hear when my counseling sessions start. All I know is I've been put on the waiting list. I got a letter back from my doctor 2 weeks ago. And I'm entitled to 3 sessions, but can get more if my therapist thinks I need more, and probably will. Because I don't see my SA, depression and related issues getting resolved after 3 hours of therapy.

So, at least, it's something. It's just the waiting that gets me.

^Yeah, waiting really sucks! But I hope your session starts soon.


A little confused. I don't do a lot because I don't have a job but I don't feel bad about it. It's just when a friend of mine says "You don't do anything" I tell myself that I should be judging myself because I know she's judging me. Then I get upset at myself for not doing anything even though I like not doing anything.