Do you like your voice?

Do you like the sound of your own voice?

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I haven't found my voice yet! Seriously I don't know what I sound like. My voice is different each time I speak to a different person! Which one of the voices is mine?? When speaking to my parents my voice is quite deep. When speaking to the storekeepers my voice is thin. Keeps fluctuating between these two extremes! Not just the tone but also the words and manner of speaking. Anyone else relate to this? Btw I voted no, obviously.
I haven't found my voice yet! Seriously I don't know what I sound like. My voice is different each time I speak to a different person! Which one of the voices is mine?? When speaking to my parents my voice is quite deep. When speaking to the storekeepers my voice is thin. Keeps fluctuating between these two extremes! Not just the tone but also the words and manner of speaking. Anyone else relate to this? Btw I voted no, obviously.

Wow, my voice sounds different all the time, my words, my accent, my manner of speaking changes all the time. Because I feel like I should talk on a nice way, I have to use my voice like it sounds perfect.. I think that sounds a little OCD..
But perfectionism is something I'm busy with all the time.


Well-known member
everybody tells me I have a distinctive voice so everybody can tell its me on the phone. So I put no cause its easily recognizable but I do love my southern accent :)

I have to say that I like my voice. The only problem I have up here is that I throw in idioms from my dads southern accent. I like all my cousins Georgia accents.When I was little, kids teased me in a friendly way. I liked the differences I had from other kids.


Well-known member
Well, oddly enough my speaking voice and singing voice sound completely different (atleast from what I hear). I speak in soft Alto but I sing in relativly high Saprano.

I like my singing voice because it sounds actually decent and every word is softly sung (not soft as in noise soft but... err... it's hard to decribe), plus I can roll my R's. (I get it from my mom). However my speaking voice is just all stutters and monotone-ness. *shrugs* I guess it's not the worst but I certainly don't have the best voice. A voice, in my mind, doesn't really make a person anyway (unless they're trying to be a singer). My boyfriend's voice box is pretty much destroyed because of a disease he has that caused copper to acumulate in parts of his body because he can't digest it. His words are a bit muffled and hard to understand some times but with me listening to him over the phone for more than a year now, most of the time I can understand him.
Hate my voice tooo ::(: It's bad enough when I talk, but I really feel like throwing up when I hear myself on recording. lol


Well-known member
Hate it. My 4-years-old nephew asked me why do I talk like a boy. ::(:
+ My voice is really weird and quiet and almost always people have to ask me to repeat myself. I sometimes try to talk a bit louder, but then I feel like I'm shouting. ::(:


Well-known member
I hate the sound of my own voice too, especially when I get sick or just have allergy problems. I sound like a guy :p


Well-known member
i have been told by others that i have a very nice speaking voice... but i have noticed and maybe others here have to, that vocal intonation is affected by one's emotions. so if i am depressed my voice really dips low and goes kinda monotone, or if i am in a stressful social situation it gets a stringy higher pitch quality. neither sound all that great, just when i am happy and able to joke around :)


Well-known member
I don't like my voice for 2 reasons. On one end, I can sound like a kid especially when I go higher pitched. People don't take me seriously if I talk like that. On the other end, I can sound deep, hoarse, and phlegmy. Many times, people don't know what I'm saying and ask me to repeat.


Glad I went with the majority in the poll, as no. Took a long time to decide.

I was stuck with the answer for a while.

I thought I started as an 'alto' ? High pitched at school. Standard?

Now I feel much more basso in my own head, like a forceful 'big man' in a meeting or by phone which I hate... with age?

I get paranoid about my voice because people go straight for the 'get him out of the door' option immediately and I'm searching for the reason. I'm thinking of the blabbermouth spastic autistic pronunciation of a dyslexic vocal delivery.

I worry about being west-born in the UK - with a distinct Bristol, Gloucester farmer's accent of my parents... slightly Welsh, which might put people off.

I have big problems listening to anyone with a broad accent from Scotland, Manchester, Irish and especially Indian, on the phone. Anything on the phone sets me ranting and I try to specify Leeds, Yorkshire from Scouse.

What I do know: people don't like me when I try carefully to make a positive impression. Hand gestures and smiles which I practice in a mirror. I worry that my discerned, advised eye contact maintenance, I might put them off when I stare coldly at their eyes, relentlessly. It might seem aggressive. I have a deep desire for 'getting what I want'.

Perhaps a more gentle, relaxed attitude, gazing around the corners of a room would help. I sometimes shout in a situation. I remember a recent encounter, after difficult inquisition, asking 'does my mouth work? Can you hear?' Which was clearly agreed. I automatically get seriously nervous and stuttery on the phone or in a meeting when the person holds my fate in their hand and I have no control of it. My defence is natural defiance. The best I ever got was an amazing outcome when my Scottish interviewer said that I'd redeemed myself and I got the job. I fight my corner and make it heard that I can 'do this well' because I've done this before, and I get luck when people listen. In general they just don't. They ignore.

It's their eyes. On first look and handshake, people seem unsettled. I feel that they see an ALIEN. :confused:

On a different level. eg. first question is always 'how was your journey?' My response is 'I'm here!' :question:
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No i don't like my voice....i feel its not feminine enough and also when i've heard it back on a recording i think i sound really thick, but that's also because i don't pronounce words properly so instead of saying "I haven't seen that one" i'll say "I ant seen that one" i don't know if that's just me being lazy or just a Yorkshire thing because i have heard other people speaking like that.... and also i'll drag words out when i talk so instead of just saying "really?" i'll say " rea-leeey?"... think i could do with some elocution lessons lol.
A customer on the phone once said i sounded really Yorkshire he said summat like.. sorry something like "i can't get over how Yorkshire your accent is" lol not sure if that's good or bad...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Naw! Ah hate ma voice - it's too Scottish. :bigsmile:

Just kidding... though, it's a pain in the arse when yer no taken seriously.


Well-known member
My voice changes lol. It's pretty low in crowds though which is just due to anxiety and sometimes i have to clear my throat which is annoying! My actual voice when i'm calm is okay but rarely does anyone hear my real voice lol.