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  • Hi feathers, my quotes, I make them up. I'm sometimes surprised with the positive stuff that surfaces in my writing. No novels finished, but I did have a short piece of fiction published on the net recently
    hi feathers, im sorry its taken me so long to reply. i went into a depressed episode and just wanted to be alone. your msg ment alot to me thank you!
    Hi Feathers.
    Im ok i guess, thank you.
    I hope all is well with you.

    btw where in Europe do you live?
    Aaaaaaaaaaarrgh turns out greek God is coming tomorrow...!
    Just imagine me getting everything prepared & ready.. haha.
    By the way, it´s been raining up here for a week and TODAY there´s sun, and well I´m one of those who loves heat and sun!
    lol thanks for the cool air. I do hate the summer here for how hot it is. It's just that my depression kicked up a gear in the last few days, though. As for your question, I'm not sure if I could call myself one! I do though know a bit about music theory and am familiar with a lot of musical concepts, and I know a little bit about playing keyboard instruments. So combining that with the aid of some studio software I got lately I get some fun out of trying to write something. Wrote this little 2-minute thing (I call it so cause I think calling it a "piece of music" would be overrating it and myself lol) the other day, which is my first ever. But anyway, meh, I'm not any good :) Music in general has always been my absolute favourite thing on this planet though.
    Hey there Feathers! Good to hear from you again =)
    And yes~ hehe he really is cute but underneath all that cute fuzziness lies a hyper and unrestrained little monster ::p:
    Thanks heaps for the info. I actually have a book.. well, "bible" on Chihuahuas and its been pretty helpful so far. We're taking him to a training class on the 30th so hopefully that will settle him down some more, and I'll be sure to look into those dog forums. Thanks again, glad to be back :D
    "Not everyone approaches with good intentions, and some knowledge of martial arts can be good..." - Feathers
    Hi Feathers!! Things are going pretty good with me. I had to leave for a while for my therapy. But I am back now. As long as I don't dwell on the problems that I had, and focus on my friends and helping others, I should be all right. How are you? LOL. I feel like I left, and trolls invaded. To bad I wasn't around to fight them. LOL. I hope everything is going well with you. You seem to be the same positive magnet that you were when I left. That's good, the world needs more people like you.
    Yes, maybe the positivity here might rub off on them and they'll secretly return for more, lol
    Hi Feathers, I simply googled 'socialphbiaworld troll' and thats what came up. I've worked out who one of the trolls were, they posted rubbish for a brief time and haven't been back
    I'm okay thanks :) Just finished my GCSE exams :) What about you? Oh no! Send some heat over here...it's cold in Wales!!
    thanks for the info on magnesium, that sounds like it could be valid. getting it checked here in about 20 mins after the world cup game. hope your day is going well!
    I know I'm due some PMs and I'll get back to you when I have a bit more brainpower!

    Until then, ROCK ON!! :)
    thank you feathers, I can definitely connect to many of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. I'm hoping it is nothing serious, your support is very much appreciated.
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