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  • Sometimes I can be bad in conversations. I'm really sorry if I've made the wrong impression.
    Hey I just wanted to thank u for replying to me, sorry I was just in such a negataive mood last night. How are things going for you any way. I doubt ur sa is as bad as mine so I can be of no support to you but Id like to talk to you sometimes. I've seen some of ur comments and u genuinely seem like a lovely person
    Hi Feathers, How are you doing, these days?

    Thank you for your lovely words, you are a true friend on SPW for all of us. Thank you.
    Yeah, family can be a tough but still loving matter, I love my parents, from my heart.
    Sometimes I'd rather live on the moon, hahaha you know

    Biographies sound like a wonderful idea, I would love to read Madonnas biography, still have that book in my desk, I should read it. I loved the biography about Emily ford, she used to deal with Social Anxiety when she was a teenager... Very nice book.

    P!Nk is one of my favourite singers, I loved the fact that she started singing because of her ashtma. Her story telling songs are wonderful. She is a REAL singer, not a typical commercial freak. haha.

    Hey I hope you're doing okay and talk to you soon

    Ah! Someone who knows me! :D I've been away too for a while, because I was busy with a new job etc, and now I'm trying to come back a bit to contribute just to try not to post only when everything tumble down, but the people here change A LOT with time o_O Hope everything is ok on your side too, I guess so if you spend less time here :)
    YO..! Nice to see u again!! I have been ill for a long time, an infection... Really bad actually. And I don´t know if its gone yet actually. I couldn´t remember if I had written to you...Anyway I shall email you soon! sooner than later.. :D
    Heya Feathers!

    Just thought drop a line to see how your doing since I haven't been one here in awhile. Things doing all right here, just a tad busy with the real world and freaking out a upcoming photoshoot hoping they show up, since it will be my first full paid gig.
    Hello Feathers. To be honest I've been better but try to work through it. I have heard anything from the new team since they did the assessment over a month ago. I'm not sure if they have forgotten or they've been busy.

    Anyway.. How are things going with you? Hope things are going well for you? :)
    It’s good to hear from ya:)! It’s unfortunate that you didn’t get into design maybe you can try again someday; I can definitely see a natural knack for writing. I find I think best early in the mornings but it is hard to adjust to those times.

    Oh and I love writing adventure or sci fi stories the best.:D
    true say. I'm thrilled that things are going well for you and I am certain that it will continue to be an ongoing trend of glorious wellness.
    Thank you for the Christmas greeting - sorry I'm so late, I haven't logged on since last October::eek::
    Thanks and no worries. It is good to take a break from everything from time to time. :)

    And no it would be nice, but I haven’t completed a book I’m a bit like you actually I have started a few stories but for one reason or another I haven’t got around to finishing.

    I have been a bit busy. I am not sure if you have seen the catc design school banners advertised on here but I am studying Graphic design through them.:)
    Hey Feathers

    How do you do? I really love your posts on Spw, you could be a perfect moderator here as a helping mod to give advice to people, I really think you have an inspiring mind, you can come up with so many solutions and tips, I think that's a real gift!

    So, i'm trying out Omega 3.
    I know you have been sharing this tip, and I never actually tried it. you probably heard about bipolarity, I have a very unstable mood, chnging from up and down, sad to happy, and happy to ???, it always goes like this, and only within a short period of time, so I think this would be great to at least bring some help at first:) I also have a very supportive therapist, I can call her 24/7 and she helps me with SA, so things are really going right, and with the support of omega 3 it could possibly help even better.
    I hope your insightful mind will help you too:) you have strength, so i know you can get far:) just by thinking in the right direction:)

    I remember you mentioning something about "Pure-O", so I did some research on it and found that it is strikingly similar to a lot of what I feel. I've always felt that I had OCD without the compulsions associated to it. Hm.
    Honey i didn't had time to check it because i was yesterday cleaning and today i was outside and cooking. I will look now thank u for that a lot and u are welcome!!
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