Hey Feathers
How do you do? I really love your posts on Spw, you could be a perfect moderator here as a helping mod to give advice to people, I really think you have an inspiring mind, you can come up with so many solutions and tips, I think that's a real gift!
So, i'm trying out Omega 3.
I know you have been sharing this tip, and I never actually tried it. you probably heard about bipolarity, I have a very unstable mood, chnging from up and down, sad to happy, and happy to ???, it always goes like this, and only within a short period of time, so I think this would be great to at least bring some help at first

I also have a very supportive therapist, I can call her 24/7 and she helps me with SA, so things are really going right, and with the support of omega 3 it could possibly help even better.
I hope your insightful mind will help you too

you have strength, so i know you can get far

just by thinking in the right direction