in a VAN down by the RIVER
I’m not. I read Schopenhauer (or give it my best effort) when I’m depressed and it makes me feel much better.
not being able to feel a deep connection with people.
I'm depressed at the moment because I feel stuck. I can graduate in time this spring quarter but I have a blank resume so no one would hire me. Hell I wouldn't even hire myself. I don't even know what I want to do! I'm damn sure I'll have to stay another year to figure it all out, which is going to increase my debt and delay my wonderful plan of moving out, completely cutting off contact with my parents, and living in an apartment with everything furnished from Ikea. **** my life. :/
No capability + No personality=DOOM.
I refuse to dwell on it, so I'm not saying.
There is no such thing as an unnecessary post.