what things have made you happy today?


Well-known member
Volunteering with 10-12 yr olds to "tame their worry dragons." Particularly bonded with this one little girl, but they're all precious!


Well-known member
In my group for a film project, I made nice eye contact with a girl there. Felt that electricity. Not that I never noticed her before but never realized how gorgeous her eyes were. Prob why I kept looking. That made me happy. And I didnt stare like a serial killer. I was suave.

No. I wasn't suave.


Well-known member
I drove around aimlessly for half an hour, singing at the top of my lungs.

That's pretty much exactly what I did today. I love driving and I love listening to music, so I try to combine the two whenever I get the chance.

Yep...today was a good day :D


Well-known member
Nothing, but at least I was not as frustrated as I was last Sunday, am calmer today so that's good news already. To cheer myself up, I am looking forward to buying the iphone 4 in approximately 2 weeks. When that time comes, I would sign up for the internet on the go plan so I would be able to come on to SPW whenever I am, surely this is something to look forward to ;)


not actually Fiona Apple
At the end of my shift, my boss asked how the new guy was doing, and I was able to say he did a good job today. He did do a good job, I'm glad he's improving.


Well-known member
What has made me happy today:
1) Cleaning the house (it is still not perfect, but better--clutter stresses me out)
2) Wrapping Christmas presents
3) Receiving a voicemail offering me a new position at work--a paygrade above where I am now, as well as more hours (not full-time, but still better)


Well-known member
Let's see, today i did this...and that...also...not to mention...:thinking:...OH! , i know, i know, almost forgot, i...i......:thinking:......

Shit! :eek:h:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Why should i be happy today?

Ah dinnae ken? New year, new start? Ye can put the previous shitty year behind ye?

Ye get to spend aw the dosh (money) ye got over Christmas on stuff ye actually wanted and sell yer unwanted gift for spondulix on eBay. Failing aw that, you've got an excuse to blutered on the boove the day. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
chocolate milk shake

taylor swift music while driving down the interstate at twilight

girl complimented the purple streak in my hair

my hair feels super soft today

get the house to myself today and tomorrow


Well-known member
Talking openly to someone and feeling uplifted after having felt weirdly unable to open up to the person.

Going for a walk surrounded by the foggy air.

The silence after newyears.

Meeting my niece, eating junk food at burger king, then going to a café, drinking coffee with Kahlua and whipped cream... talking...