What do you avoid?


I think about what is going on. I then consider If I have a high success rate in that particular activity that is going on. If I feel like I have failed at this before and will make myself look like an idiot in front of people putting me at risk to be humiliated then I will definitely avoid it. If I have a high success rate, or if I know I can do it perfectly then I will do it. If it doesn't matter and won't make me look like an idiot when I do fail, then I will do it also.

This determines how I socialize with other people as well. If I think the person will be disgusted by how I look, bored because I can't make them laugh, or I can't make them be interested in me, then I would avoid people. Based on my experiences, I almost NEVER trusted anyone I didn't know. I only have a couple friends and those are the ones I have given at least a SMALL portion of the trust I have. Other than that, I believe everyone out there is just targeting the weak and only suppress them instead of uplifting them. Sure, some might be your friends, but they might stab your back later. People are cruel to those they place below them because of stupid first impressions.

All I have is me, myself, and I, those are the only people that I can trust in this world. Sorry, but I needed to take that out.


Active member
Almost everything that can be avoided and for as long as it can be avoided.
Family gatherings and telephones are my biggest fears.:-S


Well-known member
What do I avoid, well I usually avoid places with crowded people, I had to quit school because just being in a classroom with someone too close to me started to freak me out...especially in waiting rooms if someone I don't know sits down next to me it makes me very uncomfortable, unless someone in my family is sitting next to me and even then I tend to stand up and pace, it sucks because you can't always predict or know when there's going to be a lot of people. Like going to the grocery store for instance, that always gets to me when there's crowds of people and it's so busy...so generally I avoid people you could say, I can leave the house but only with my family do I feel comfortable doing that...


Well-known member
I avoid being around people like when I walk home I go the long way (which is 20 minuets longer)becuase there are less people down that way
I avoid living my house becuase I feel everyone stares at me
I avoid anything social beucase I cannot be social
I pretty much avoid everything lol


Well-known member
The one thing that I know I avoid almost always is when friends or someone wants to go for a swim, I dont hate it but Im not that great swimmer.
when I was younger I almost drowned and that took its toll, but then I tried to courage myself to learn again, then it happen again -_- I really want to get over that fear but I feel somehow ashamed for it being as old as Im now.


Well-known member
Acquaintances - i.e, those people who I know, but who aren't my friends. If I see them around on the street etc I'll hide or start fiddling with my phone. Very anti-social I know, but I always assume that they probably won't want to talk to me anyway, or that it will be awkward, or that they won't remember who I am etc. So I hide!

me too, your not the only one! Don't feel silly, as long as were comfortable


Well-known member
People, of course! fear of abandonment.
Success, because I'm afraid of abandoning others!
Being alone, because I fear that there is no way to ever not be.

There's tons more probably but i'll just leave it at that.


Well-known member
living up to my full potential

Yep! Do you know why? I'm trying to figure this out myself. I see those that are living up to their full potential and try to feel the happiness they must feel but have no idea what that must feel like. I feel almost as if, if I were to reach my full potential my whole perspective on the world and life would change, I feel as if I would be alone in happiness and also have to abandon those that represent my past me which is my whole family because other people do not have it, or lose my soul (somehow depression = soul in one of my flawed beliefs) ANYWAYS IM RAMBLNIG


Well-known member
Acquaintances - i.e, those people who I know, but who aren't my friends. If I see them around on the street etc I'll hide or start fiddling with my phone. Very anti-social I know, but I always assume that they probably won't want to talk to me anyway, or that it will be awkward, or that they won't remember who I am etc. So I hide!
Yeah, I hate this, too. You are expected to say hello but there's not much else you can say. I try to avoid it as much as possible, too.