What do you avoid?


Well-known member
Spend moat of my days (lol sorry couldn't help myself) spend about 90% of time in my room or house I live with family so talk to them takeaway drivers ect its just going outside its like someone being scared of heights I feel the same way as I walk down the street I never taken a bus by my self never really walked all the way into town myself I do go shopping with family ect but I can't go and just buy something at the checkout .. I really really don't understand myself a gas man come to the house and I was chatting away like we are old friends outside I am a bit more quiet into myself I get days where I don't wanna talk to anyone .but going outside of ny house scares the crap out of me I don't really have friends anymore most of got bored of me never coming out ect il rather stay in my room reading watching a tv show or playing games at mo playing sleeping dogs .. the feels you get when so petrified I would rather die than to take a bus into town to go to a super store and buy something that is a very large no no for me .. just don't understand what's wrong with me in my head can't even walk the 250yards to the post box down my street unless its like 3am in the morning I prefer I feel more comfortable going for long walks to keep fit at like 3am then just get stopped by cops thinking I'm off nicking or breaking into homes then its like someone has taken my voice and I can't even make a sound so just mostly stay in doors all to myself I don't have much to do with the outside world I have mostly always been away even in school I always come straight back into my room now at age 24 I have been in my own little world for so long I am happy with it I desire human to human chat and find that online but most of the week I am happy being quiet to myself ... I know there's something not right with me in the head area lol where my old friends from school have moved abroad settle down married kids homes I can't even walk 500yards to the local shop and buy something so yeah there is something wring with me but I spend most of my time

Reading books
Watching movies / tv shows
Riding my exercise bike lost 44pounds so far
Watching YouTube
Playing games
Learning about history or anything online
ect stuff like that can't go saying I out and about doing this or doing that as its not true I'm stuck 99% of my time in doors I go odd shopping with family but that takes me time to get myself ready get my mind in the right place to just walk out the front door ... Just don't understand like when a friend texts sometimes I just can't chat and so takes me days to even open up that text .. iv given up on going out as its just so stressful I prefer to be indoors alone


Walking into town today, behind a woman and her little child as they moved into this street from another. Kid kept blathering and twisting his head to look back at me. Asked his mum a question I couldn't hear.
He was jumpin, walkin fast.

I always stride past people faster than anyone walks. I took over and went ahead. As I was next to them, he kept asking me "why do you hate us?"

I ignored and carried on, smiling and nodding at them. I couldn't hear anything except that phrase.

He was definitely in a good mood. I don't know children.

Much more value in that question than anyone in a street who just looks down as I go past and don't look at me. Any interviewer or checkout person always just looks in the opposite direction than my face. They look away, into a corner, as I smile at them, nodding, and eventually point toward the exit and say "bye"


Active member
I've always struggled with social anxiety and avoidance, you're not alone. I avoid:

1. Driving to places I don't know very well, as the anxiety of getting lost or getting into an accident is overwhelming to me. Other drivers are able to easily intimidate me by honking their horn or tailgating when I go too slow.

2. Situations in which I will have to mingle socially with people, such as parties or clubs. When I do end up going, I have to go with someone I already know well and feel uneasy when I have to leave their side.

3. Places where I feel I will be negatively judged. As a recent college graduate I should be searching for a stable job - instead I've been putting it off after a few attempts, petrified of actually getting the chance to go to an interview and make a fool out of myself. Also, I'm afraid that once I get the job I will make a fool out of myself to my employer and co-workers. I'm sure other people feel the same way, but my avoidance is hindering me significantly.

4. The opposite sex. I've never really had any guy friends, and avoid close relationships with men like the plague. I'm afraid that if I ever got into a relationship, it would end badly...not ready to take the risk of allowing myself to like someone and let down my walls only to be heartbroken.