What do you avoid?


New member
I have AvPD and I avoid every thing or situation that makes me feel bad. Do you avoid a lot of things or only people? What are those things?



Well-known member
I avoid doing things that involve going far with bus/train

I avoid doing things I´d like to do, because I start thinking that it won´t make me feel good anyway, even if I have a small urge to do it.

I avoid speaking to people who work at the supermarket/the bus driver/pizza delivery guy, and so on

I avoid getting things fixed around the house, if it involves calling somebody to come and fix it

I avoid people on the street/sidewalk, if they come my way I sometimes go another way

and so on and so on


Well-known member
tasks at which i'm afraid i will perform below perfection

or tasks that remind me of any past imperfections

which can be most anything and everything

if i allow myself to think about it too long

the longer i have to think about it

the more difficult it becomes

if i am able to not think

and just do things

it's much easier

to achieve


Mr Motivator

Active member
i dont know enough about AvPD to say for certain that i have it, but i definitely go out of my way to avoid people. im usually okay with conversations etc, if i bump into someone in town im totally fine, which i know im lucky for because a lot of people with social anxiety could struggle even with that. which actually makes me feel worse lol because i dont understand why i 'do' avoid people, i guess im warey of them


Active member
Nothing anymore but I still don't like super crowded places when I'm alone and invisible.


Well-known member
Girls and confrontations seem to be the class favorite. Although people in general and social events are things that I tend to avoid as well.


Well-known member
Talking on the phone, hanging out with people.. bascially any social interaction that I wish I could put myself into without being anxious or nervous about.


Active member
Social Situations are really the only thing I avoid. Unfortunately, in order to do most things, it requires social interaction. So I guess just about everything ... lol


not actually Fiona Apple
I avoid doing things I´d like to do, because I start thinking that it won´t make me feel good anyway, even if I have a small urge to do it.

^this one.


I avoid doing things that would allow people to define me.

Making important decisions.

Using my voice.

High risk situations (by my definition of risk)

Basically my first instinct in most situations is to avoid. Usually I'm doing things to avoid something and not to gain something else. (e.g. I study not to get the rewards of good grades but to avoid the consequences of bad grades). I don't have the best instincts if they're telling me to live my life like this though, maybe I should stop listening to them ::p: *goes to get that tattoo and order a few double downs*


Well-known member
I avoid public restrooms. They just give me so much anxiety. If I am walking towards the bathroom, while I am at work, and I see someone else go into the bathroom, I will not go in. I will just do a couple laps around the hallway until I know that person is out. Or if I am walking near the bathroom and I hear the toilet flush so that I know someone is in there already and is just getting done, I will do an extra lap around the hallway until I know they have left.


Well-known member
People/communication, because I'm scared of being awkward/rejection. And going out in public alone. I hate going out alone and not being able to hide behind someone else/depend on them to do the talking wherever we go. And feeling everyone's eyes on me, like I'm being judged by everyone. And I hate that pretty soon I'm gonna be on my own and will have to deal with that. Terrifies me.

I wish I had millions in the bank and could live from my room with a credit card.


Well-known member
I avoid...

... people, which includes (ex)friends, family friends and imediate & extended family. And obviously strangers.
... reading and sending/replying to emails/PMs/forum posts.
... public places, especially restrooms or large open places with lots of people, like shopping centres.
... public transport, especially buses.
... school, university, jobs.
... calling or answering telephone calls.
... relationships, romantic or otherwise.
... dealing with relationship issues.
... painful memories.
... anything that reminds me of the past, like smells or sounds.

There's probably more, but those are the main ones.


not actually Fiona Apple
I avoid...

... people, which includes (ex)friends, family friends and imediate & extended family. And obviously strangers.
... reading and sending/replying to emails/PMs/forum posts.
... public places, especially restrooms or large open places with lots of people, like shopping centres.
... public transport, especially buses.
... school, university, jobs.
... calling or answering telephone calls.
... relationships, romantic or otherwise.
... dealing with relationship issues.
... painful memories.
... anything that reminds me of the past, like smells or sounds.

There's probably more, but those are the main ones.

This is a good list, a lot of these are big avoiders for me too, all to some extent. I have a huge problem with public transit too, and painful memories/reminders of the past I can't help be avoid.