What do you avoid?


Well-known member
I avoid doing things that involve going far with bus/train

I avoid doing things I´d like to do, because I start thinking that it won´t make me feel good anyway, even if I have a small urge to do it.

I avoid speaking to people who work at the supermarket/the bus driver/pizza delivery guy, and so on

I avoid getting things fixed around the house, if it involves calling somebody to come and fix it

I avoid people on the street/sidewalk, if they come my way I sometimes go another way

and so on and so on

This describes my avoidance very well to, Nanita.

I don't avoid going on the bus much. It does give me a lot of anxiety having to sit across from people, though.

I really hate that I avoid doing things I enjoy because I feel like I wont enjoy it anyway, so I never even give myself a chance to have fun. I also think that I'm just going the ruin the activity for everyone involved if I'm in it, which, is probably true.


Well-known member
better to splash some ink around even if I do get some on me

blotting my copybook

so it stays pristine and


with not much to say


Well-known member
I avoid speaking to people who work at the supermarket/the bus driver/pizza delivery guy, and so on
While I like to avoid pointless conversation, this is one area where I make an exception. The guy or girl at the checkout serving me probably wants to be there even less than I do, so I try to make them feel comfortable and important by smiling and being polite. They have to put up with a lot of terrible people in one day so if I can make 30 seconds of their day bearable in some way, I'll do it.

I avoid...

... people, which includes (ex)friends, family friends and imediate & extended family. And obviously strangers.
... reading and sending/replying to emails/PMs/forum posts.
... public places, especially restrooms or large open places with lots of people, like shopping centres.
... public transport, especially buses.
... school, university, jobs.
... calling or answering telephone calls.
... relationships, romantic or otherwise.
... dealing with relationship issues.
... painful memories.
... anything that reminds me of the past, like smells or sounds.

There's probably more, but those are the main ones.
This is just about everything in life. So sad. ::(:


Well-known member
While I like to avoid pointless conversation, this is one area where I make an exception. The guy or girl at the checkout serving me probably wants to be there even less than I do, so I try to make them feel comfortable and important by smiling and being polite. They have to put up with a lot of terrible people in one day so if I can make 30 seconds of their day bearable in some way, I'll do it.

That´s really nice, when people are able to do that. I wish I was like that. I just can´t. I feel that everybody is staring at me and everybody thinks I´m weird and nervous.
Rationally I can tell myself that they probably don´t, but it doesn´t calm me down


Well-known member
That´s really nice, when people are able to do that. I wish I was like that. I just can´t. I feel that everybody is staring at me and everybody thinks I´m weird and nervous.
Rationally I can tell myself that they probably don´t, but it doesn´t calm me down
I have seen so many rude customers that treat check-out people badly that I feel like I should be nice and polite. It's just how I feel.

Rationally, no, that wouldn't happen, but that won't stop you thinking it. I get the same feeling sometimes, and generally I like to go to a store, get what I need, then leave as quickly and quietly as possible.


Well-known member
when depression hits in(and then SP comes in) which can last days, weeks, or sometimes even months, I avoid nearly anything, even going to the kitchen of my dorm, because I don't want to see other students and awkward situations could come.
When I'm in good mood I'm a bit more self-confident.


Well-known member
^^ Haha what a coincidence I'm avoiding that right now.

I avoid sharing my feelings
I avoid answering questions


Well-known member
I try to avoid people. I spend most of my time alone, usually in my bedroom, unless I have to work. At work I work alone. So I avoid any social things.

I avoid talking about personal things with my family members.

I avoid anything that requires a lot of work, concentration, etc. I have a hard time focusing/concentrating on thing and a poor memory.

For some reason I don't like addressing people by their names. I'm not sure why. I don't mean to be rude or anything, I just seem to be afraid to.


Well-known member
i avoid friends and acquaintances when i've done something embarrassing they might know about. i sometimes avoid people who intimidate me. and i'm pretty good at dodging confrontations.


Well-known member
I avoid small, close groups of people the most. Larger groups of people that aren't as personal do not scare me as much. I try to avoid eye contact and confrontation. Also, I avoid things like huge sales with such a large amount of people that you can't move. I'm claustrophobic and can't breathe in that.


Well-known member
I used to pull the phone jack out.

I'm better about it know, but the sound of the phone ringing still spikes my adrenaline.


i avoid people... i feel like i am stupid... i used to go to the church on sunday and now i can't even go there and even if i go there i can't look at priest's face while in the large crowd...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Well people would be top of the list, along with most social situations.
I avoid sharing my feelings with family members, for the most part.
I avoid telephone calls, and not just the house phone either, I'll avoid answering calls on my mobile phone. Even if it's someone know I won't answer it.


Well people would be top of the list, along with most social situations.
I avoid sharing my feelings with family members, for the most part.
I avoid telephone calls, and not just the house phone either, I'll avoid answering calls on my mobile phone. Even if it's someone know I won't answer it.

i tried to share my feeling with my father once and gave him a little bit of hint then he just doesn't get it... actually, i don't believe anyone in my family tree would understand my situation right now. They probably think i am just crazy person...