What compliments have you received today?

Quiet Angel

Well-known member
"You're so calm and pleasant all the time. Being around you is just like a breath of fresh air." That made me happy. ^.^

"You bring hope to humankind." This one overwhelmed me. I didn't really believe it. I'm not Einstein, Michaelangelo, Dalai Lama, or anyone else spectactular.


not actually Fiona Apple
(Professor going over exam) "...Some students decided to take a more complicated route when solving this problem involving a few material implications and some Associations and Computations. This is much more difficult and I would not recommend it."

Guess who used Material Implication :cool: (okay, so maybe it wasn't a compliment but I took it as one ::p:)

Dex Dorrey

Active member
well today a good friend of my only friend told me i always look like i'm about to kill myself....is that a compliment?? im not really sure what one sounds like....

in all seriousness tho the closest thing to a compliment ive heard in a long time is "you're not THAT bad looking."


Well-known member
Someone told me they like me so much. It was a really good compliment and I will be sailing on it for days
Aww, how sweet! ::eek::

in all seriousness tho the closest thing to a compliment ive heard in a long time is "you're not THAT bad looking."
Oh, wow, that's so not a compliment!

Reminds me of the time about two years ago when I kissed a girl for the first time in 5 years. I asked how I went and she said, "well, you're not the worst."



Well-known member
Today a colleague told me I was weird, but likable.

Eh, I'll take it.

That's what is called a back-handed compliment.

The worst thing about those is that the person who gives the "compliment" usually thinks they are being a "good" person by telling you that they like you. They don't even realize that they are insulting you by calling you weird.

In their world, any compliment is great, even if there is an insult dropped in it. Someone needs to give them a back-handed compliment so they learn they lesson.

Sorry, I just get heated when I hear about people insulting shy people. I've heard enough insults about my shyness.
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Well-known member
On Wednesday I busted my butt fixing up a cluttered room at work and making it look pretty. Today, I got emails from my big boss and my supervisor saying what a fantastic job I did! It feels really good to get recognized sometimes. :D


Well-known member
I got called a b word and told I'm full of the s word!
And by two people I liked.
Life's fun.
Fun times

Well, you should have told them to f off! You are a wonderful person and you don't deserve to be put down like that! It's good that they told you that; now you know their true colors and you rid yourself of them from your life! Now you can make better friends that will treat you right.


Well-known member
Ran into a girl I haven't seen in a while I told her that I was working two jobs and she said "You look good though", then I started to ponder whether she was serious or being nice =/
I got called a b word and told I'm full of the s word!
And by two people I liked.
Life's fun.
Fun times

Sometimes people have so much anger and hate in them they want to spill it on other people.
Ignore them. Surround yourself with people who have the decency not to inflict their own anger into other people's lives.


Well-known member
Sometimes people have so much anger and hate in them they want to spill it on other people.
Ignore them. Surround yourself with people who have the decency not to inflict their own anger into other people's lives.

Exactly what I was trying to say! :) *hugs Ms. Biwiii* you're one of the sweetest people on the forums.
I'm wearing a headband today and someone just said

''I like your hearband, good that you finally show you are a girl''

Wtf.. -.- Now I'm like.. Euh. Okayy..

Welll, I just want to be a tough girl lol, but I do wanna show that i'm a girl so whatever... just take it. ^^

I think I will look for a Nike headband or something.. Looks cooler. This is a glittery headband.. Well, at least people think it's good so I won't take it off.. just take the comment.. Even though I feel uncomfortable, I just wear it today ^^

Somebody else said ''Are you going to play a ninja today?'' I said, ''Yep, something like that, I guess'' i'm silly
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Well-known member
A report I wrote was highly commended, I was thanked for writing an artivle on a race that will be published in a magazine. My boss said good work when I explained what I had been doing.