What compliments have you received today?


Well-known member
Awww well at least the trip was somewhat worth it right? :D
You handled it a lot better than I would have too. I probably would have completely spazzed out, turned red as a tomato, sputtered some weird random nonsense, and booked it in the opposite direction ::p:
^ Hahaha. Don't get me wrong, I almost froze, and I did feel like just heading the opposite direction. But somehow I managed to just hurry along.


Well-known member
A m8 as he was cracking a joke about how he wouldn't do something with me because he said something that sounded naughty by accident, he then said "i know your a good looking guy but..." Suppose that was a compliment, but i don't always believe them cause i know people are nice to each other for the sake of it.

And a girl i don't know very well in class made a heart with her hands from across the room, random but it was well cute. Made me feel good.

Believe it or not, today was a very bad day for anxiety! Somehow these positive things came from my day :) lucky me i suppose.
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Well-known member
Some guy stopped to talk to me about my bike when I was locking it up outside a shop, to ask me what bike it was. I told him it was one I built and re-sprayed myself to which he replied "Really, that looks like a profesional job". I am a perfectionist so it made my day.


Well-known member
"You have a face that could launch a thousand ships!"

quoting Northern Exposure Joel says to Maggie..

that's a compliment i'd say :)
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A lady just told me my makeup is beautiful, and that I have beautiful skin and don't need to tan it (I told her about the comment I got about me not going to the beach much).

It really is nice to hear things like that when you constantly hear how young you look and end up feeling insecure all the time. Though lately I haven't cared as much, but... yeah.


Well-known member
Well, since I just woke up and no one is home.... I thought to myself that my hair still looks pretty good for having just been slept on. : P


Boy today has really been my day! Got complimented (indirectly) when I heard my coworker saying that I'm the only one who cleans the shop without being asked. That really made me feel appreciated. Us insecure people need praise every now and then to know we're not awful employees that piss everyone off :p

I also had a second lady compliment me on my "porcelain" skin. I'm not sure if I should be flattered though, she almost seemed to be flirting with me. My coworker agreed. Haha. No, I suppose it's a compliment whatever the intention behind it ;)


Is it a compliment if someone just randomly tells you that you have a nice round butt? Or am I meant to feel fat...

Compliment, as long as this wasn't the local priest or that shifty guy that hangs around the adult video store. You know that guy
I got told I was perfect. I know I'm far from it, but if they're not just talking physically or whatever, that's....omg, it's so nice I feel like crying :)
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Someone who has seen me without makeup told me last night that I shouldn't wear it. I asked why and he said, "Because you're covering up perfection." What the hell???? haha. Coooorny. I thought he was joking at first but it turns out he wasn't!

I really was taken aback because, though I don't think I'm UGLY without makeup, I look pretty young and I feel better with it on (though I know what he said isn't true, I definitely don't look "perfect", ever lol). But since I've been here the youngest age I've been told I look like is 17. God I love this school ::p:
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Well-known member
I found out I'm actually someone's "type" earlier on.

Though it goes contrary to everything I've ever experienced, I've decided to take her word for it.

And no, she's not available. ;)


Well-known member
Tiercel, that's a great thing to hear. Gotta be a bit of a confidence boost :)

what was this thread asking again.. oh
I heard I was very logical today. I try not to be too logical... But it's good to hear that my logical side is positive


Well-known member
I found out I'm actually someone's "type" earlier on.

Though it goes contrary to everything I've ever experienced, I've decided to take her word for it.

And no, she's not available. ;)

No, but I'm available, tiercel hun. *bats eye lashes* ;) (I need to put on my drag avatar that's on my profile)
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