What book are you currently reading?


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I was reading the Hunger Games, but I loss interested not cause of the Hunger Games but because I just loss interested all in all in reading. :(


Well-known member
finished American Psycho. was a very good book, but sometimes it was too brutal. I also like reading bukowski and started the descendants


Well-known member
Have a New Kid by Friday by Dr. Kevin Leman

My son has been driving me nuts. He's a great kid, but lately he has a horrible attitude.


The last book I read was "Astonishing Splashes of Colour" by Clare Morrall...made me a little depressed and angry..heheh. So it's tough to pick up another book. The next book I'm going to force myself to read today is, "The Thirteenth Tale."


Well-known member
Re-reading The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly because it will forever be my favorite book.