What book are you currently reading?


Well-known member
It wasn't painful for me, I'd just rather read fantasy. If Hester Prynne was a wizard I would have enjoyed it tremendously.

Well, the Puritan society does think that she is a witch and weird stuff keeps happening around her and Pearl. So, did I make the book exciting to you Pips::p:?


Well-known member
I remember a friend reading that in school. She said it had some dirty little poem things in it and showed them to me. Is this the right book? Something about the Duchess of Kent? ;) :D

Does anyone have good memories of reading this book in high school?

Hmmmm, I don't remember the poems. But the whole thing is about the repercussions of sexual encounters, so yeah, it's not exactly a squeaky clean novel.

And yes, I actually loved reading The Scarlet Letter in school. Then again, I also really enjoyed The House of Seven Gables which I elected to read extracurricularly. I'm just completely uncool like that. :cool:::p:


Well-known member
right now the only books that i read are the ones in Skyrim , i collect them all , i like to sit in a chair near the fireplace and read them


Active member
i just finished 'a very easy death' by simone de beauvoir. gloomy; i liked it. tomorrow i'll start with 'second thoughts' by michel butor.


Well-known member
I would love to be able to say it was Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn or Douglas Hofstadter, but actually it's George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones.


Well-known member
A Game of Thrones the first book of the series "A song of Ice and Fire", by George R. R. Martin


Well-known member
Plant-Environment Interactions - From sensory plant biology to active plant behavior

Communications in Plants - The Neuronal Aspects of Plant Life

Better to Have Never Been - The Harm of Coming into Existence


Well-known member
Plant-Environment Interactions - From sensory plant biology to active plant behavior

Communications in Plants - The Neuronal Aspects of Plant Life

Better to Have Never Been - The Harm of Coming into Existence

Those all sound really fascinating to me. Do you recommend them?


Active member
Reading since last 2 months :eek:

Never Let me Go
Kazuo Ishiguro

I'm yet to finish it, though ::p:


Well-known member
Just finished the Steve Jobs biography. It was good, not great.

Currently reading:


