What book are you currently reading?


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I was trying to read Life of Pi, but I just don't like it much, so....soon I'm going to give The Bonesetter's Daughter a try.


2 at the moment

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz


You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay


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Hie yer hence from me heath!
Johnny Got His Gun

Before I watch the movie adaptation


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Warrior Poet

Well-known member
Currently reading Savages by don winslow it currently being made into a feature film with a allstar cast! im looking foward to it.


Well-known member
Finally finished Eragon last week (Only took me a month :rolleyes: College gets in the way of my reading... And so does the computer. :p). Now I'm onto Eldest.

Although I've also been addicted to reading Girls With Slingshots. Let's see how long these will take me before I'm finally done.


not actually Fiona Apple
The Picture of Dorian Grey. I said I was going to read a year ago, finally got around to starting it. Not what I expected from what I thought I understood about the story and based on the character from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Unexpected is not worse in this case at all. There's like a line I want to quote from every page, I think I'll bring my notebook to the library next time ::p:


Well-known member
The Picture of Dorian Grey. I said I was going to read a year ago, finally got around to starting it. Not what I expected from what I thought I understood about the story and based on the character from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Unexpected is not worse in this case at all. There's like a line I want to quote from every page, I think I'll bring my notebook to the library next time ::p:

love that book. And yeah, nothing like the character in the movie. ::p: The old classic movie version is pretty decent, too.


Well-known member
Rereading The Cider House Rules. I love that book. Even though it makes me feel like I have no writing talent by comparison. ::p:
Rereading The Cider House Rules. I love that book. Even though it makes me feel like I have no writing talent by comparison. ::p:

I remember a friend reading that in school. She said it had some dirty little poem things in it and showed them to me. Is this the right book? Something about the Duchess of Kent? ;) :D

I remember when we had to read that in high school.

Does anyone have good memories of reading this book in high school?


Well-known member

Almost halfway through, good read so far. I work on it usually right before class starts or when I've finished studying while in class.