Things you're scared of or dread?


Well-known member
Phone calls.
This! I have no idea why, but every time the phone starts ringing, I get nervous. This doesn't usually happen on my mobile, and if it's a contact on my phone. However, numbers I don't recognise or private numbers make me anxious for reasons I can't explain. Most of the time I let them ring out. :|

Driving in heavy traffic.
This used to be me. I didn't even like driving to the nearest city to where I live (Wollongong), and that's not even that big. Driving to Sydney was a definite no-no. Now that I've done it many times, it's not a huge deal anymore.


Losing my mother.

Just thinking about it puts me on the verge of tears.



Well-known member
The thought of Earth exploding

I never given it any thought before until I was listening to a CD and one of the songs had the line "In seventeen seconds the world explodes" and I got to wondering if that actually possible. I mean if something in the Earth's cores got disturbed or something and set off a chain reaction and BOOM goes the world. Earth have existed for billions of years so it highly unlikely it would just blow up but I guess I'm a bit paranoid thinking about it. Pretty stupid really.

I heard of one that crawls into fishes mouth and then kills- and replaces their tongues. After which they'll spend their whole live there.

The article included a photo. I was instantly terrified. You can actually see the thing inside, it has eyes and everything. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it.


Well-known member
I'm also scared of:

Being the last member of my family alive.
My mother dying.
Never being loved by a man.
Living to be 100 years old. I'm 38 and am already sick of living so I dread another 50 years of living yet.
Being constantly empty hearted and lonely from constantly being single and unwanted by men.


Well-known member
This! I have no idea why, but every time the phone starts ringing, I get nervous. This doesn't usually happen on my mobile, and if it's a contact on my phone. However, numbers I don't recognise or private numbers make me anxious for reasons I can't explain. Most of the time I let them ring out. :|
I have more of an issue with making calls. Sometimes I get nervous when the phone rings too, but often having to make a phone call results in me rolling on the floor, crying. (rotfc?:confused:)

The thought of Earth exploding
Omg, that reminds of when I was a kid. When I was seven or eight, I was doing a school science fair project on the solar system. I read somewhere that the sun would eventually burn out, maybe in millions or billions of years. It scared the crap outta me. It didn't matter that I would be dead looong before that ever happened. Just the thought of the sun burning out and there being no more Earth was freaky. My mom went to a parent-teacher meeting one day and she told me the teacher wanted to get me some kind of worry doll cause it was freaking me out so much.::eek::


Well-known member
I have more of an issue with making calls. Sometimes I get nervous when the phone rings too, but often having to make a phone call results in me rolling on the floor, crying. (rotfc?:confused:)
That's also the same for me. Making phone calls fills me with such nervousness that I put it off or make excuses not to do it. I really don't know why this happens, but it sucks. I never cry because of it, though. Sorry to hear that happens to you. ::(:


Well-known member
Making phonecalls to companys, I'm ok phoning anyone else just not things like banks, companys, tax office but I have to do that but I get nervous and usually put it off even though putting it off is the worst thing you can do - speaking of which I have to phone the tax office this week :( oh god lol!

Other than that not much, my worst fear is being alone though, even though I quite often am. No one really wants to be alone forever and not constantly. I fear being alone more than anything and didn't realise this until this thread. Yay I finally know I have a fear someone asked me last month and I could not think of a proper fear as the phonecall thing I can get over but being alone forever I would not be able to! It depressed me when I realised I had no fear but I said to the friend I probably do I just haven't figured them out yet but now I have! :)
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself" I've lived through most of my worst fears; losin my mam, a chronic illness, being attacked and becoming agoraphobic and a few more besides. I can honestly say that fear serves no purpose at all. It is totally counter productive.


Well-known member
Answer the phone / make calls
Awkward conversations
That someone can tell that I'm blushing or nervous
Confident and loud people
Embarrassing myself
That my boyfriend will get tired of my sh*t and leave me for someone else
When I look back on my life I won't be satisfied, get old and not have done all the things I wanna do.
That someone in my family will get ill

That's all..... for now.


I'm afraid of talking apes ("Planet of the Apes" really gave me nightmares), crowds, attention, a person armed with a machete, poverty, diving, and ignorance.


Well-known member
Spiders are scary...I do run and scream like a girl if I see one even if it is small as can be.
People for sure...
Girls for more sure lol...
Being rejected...
Being alone forever...
My life will not go anywhere...


Well-known member
1. Being forced to hang around a bunch of young, trendy people my age who all make small talk, know each other extremely well, and have radically different interests to me.

2. Talking to someone who obviously thinks you are a loser.

3. Talking to someone who is inconvenienced by your presence, due to the fact that it will make him or her look like a loser for being near you.

4. Talking to someone who is younger than you and far cooler then you are, especially when you are by yourself and he or she is surrounded by friends.

5. My whole family dying (even more depressing than it is scary)

6. Smoking Mary Jane to the point that I green out completely, spew up, and have a panic attack. Even worse if I do it in front of a bunch of people I don't know. Even, EVEN worse if I do it in front of my two best friends and a huge bunch of strangers.

7. Being told by a girl that I am weird and ugly.

8. Being laughed at, condescended to, and completely ridiculed behind my back by a group of people I am forced to interact with on a daily basis (such as at a workplace).

9. Having my unemployment payments cut off, and having to sleep in a crate on the street asking people for change.

10. Being stuck at the same house when I am thirty, when the oldest child in the family I live with has moved elsewhere to begin medical school, and the youngest are attending high school.

11. Being in exactly the same spot I am now, thirty years later.

12. Having no companion or permanent housemate when I am in my fifties; being on my own.

13. Telling my mother, my grandad, my uncle, my aunty, my dad, my step-mother, and my grandmother that I failed university and got kicked out. That is the number one thing on my mind, and it is ****ing killing me, knowing that I will eventually have to tell them, and that the longer I wait, the worse it will be.

14. Meeting someone and giving them the impression that I am retarded or have a mental illness.


Well-known member
2. Talking to someone who obviously thinks you are a loser.
This happened to me big time a couple of years ago. There were two girls who made it very, very obvious that they didn't want to be near me but I hung out, anyway. When I did leave I couldn't believe the amount of relief that washed over me that I was finally out of there. I had done nothing to instigate any of their hatred - it was just something they had decided and that was it.


Well-known member
Steep slippery trails in a 4WD
Losing my car keys when out in the bush and miles from nowhere
Encountering unhinged looking individuals out in the boondocks when on field trips, and hoping like hell I don't lose said keys, or the car breaks down.

......and lightning.