Things you're scared of or dread?


Well-known member
That due to my feelings of inferiority I'll be completly passive and freeze and someone might take advantage of me(because that happened when I was little),also the most painful feeling that is impossible to rid from is saying goodbyes,whether it is to someone you knew for a long time,or a situation(moving away)


Well-known member
I love lightning! Haven't seen an electrical storm here for aaaages, so I'm getting ready for the summer months when that becomes more of an occurrence. :D

I don't mind lightning when I am inside watching it, but not when I am out in the storm, and the lightning is so close that you think someone has taken a photo of you with a camera flash.

I've have nearly been struck by ligthning, and that scares me to death, because it is potentially life threatening.


Well-known member
Uh, tons of things. I don't even know if I can list them all. I'm the biggest pansy ever.

My main fears are health-related. I'm a huge hypochondriac and am constantly worrying/obsessing about my health, fearing the worst. Any ache or pain I have, I automatically assume it's something dire and it turns into a panic attack. Fun times!

Death is another one, but that's related to my health fears, obviously. This includes the death of a loved one, too.

I'm also afraid of spiders, strangers, being in public, I have a severe phobia of vomiting or bleeding, the dark, rejection, driving, being social, getting a job, failure, traveling (being in the car while panicking is the effing worst). The list goes on and on. I'm done boring you now.


Well-known member
I don't mind lightning when I am inside watching it, but not when I am out in the storm, and the lightning is so close that you think someone has taken a photo of you with a camera flash.

I've have nearly been struck by ligthning, and that scares me to death, because it is potentially life threatening.
I can understand that. My brother was nearly struck by lightning years ago and for the longest time he would stay indoors during a storm. I think he's okay now but it did take some time before he got comfortable again.

The chances of ever being hit by a lightning bolt are very, very slim, but if it nearly happened to you, I can see where you'd be getting your fears from. I still think they're really fun to watch.

Uh, tons of things. I don't even know if I can list them all. I'm the biggest pansy ever.

My main fears are health-related. I'm a huge hypochondriac and am constantly worrying/obsessing about my health, fearing the worst. Any ache or pain I have, I automatically assume it's something dire and it turns into a panic attack. Fun times!

Death is another one, but that's related to my health fears, obviously. This includes the death of a loved one, too.

I'm also afraid of spiders, strangers, being in public, I have a severe phobia of vomiting or bleeding, the dark, rejection, driving, being social, getting a job, failure, traveling (being in the car while panicking is the effing worst). The list goes on and on. I'm done boring you now.
My goodness, you have a lot of fears! Are you seeing anyone to try and alleviate them?


Well-known member
My goodness, you have a lot of fears! Are you seeing anyone to try and alleviate them?

I've been in and out of therapy since I was about three years old. I'm in therapy now, if you can call it that. It doesn't help much, unfortunately. I think I've just kind of accepted that I'm fearful of many things. I think growing up with a paranoid mother contributed to it a little.


Well-known member
The chances of ever being hit by a lightning bolt are very, very slim, but if it nearly happened to you, I can see where you'd be getting your fears from. I still think they're really fun to watch.

Yes lightning can put on a great show, and I love ligthining photography. Still I think my fear of lightning is actually one of my rational fears considering it is something that can kill you.


Well-known member
I've been in and out of therapy since I was about three years old. I'm in therapy now, if you can call it that. It doesn't help much, unfortunately. I think I've just kind of accepted that I'm fearful of many things. I think growing up with a paranoid mother contributed to it a little.
Yeah, having a mother that's paranoid won't help, as children will take some traits from the parents. It's unfortunate that therapy isn't really helping. I can't really offer any advice except that I hope you get less fearful in the future. :)

Yes lightning can put on a great show, and I love ligthining photography. Still I think my fear of lightning is actually one of my rational fears considering it is something that can kill you.
It is a rational fear, and yeah, it can kill you. Maybe watch the lightning display from inside. :)

It's simple: Not achieving my ultimate goals.
I've already resigned myself to the fact that I won't achieve any of my goals, either.


Well-known member
I haven't "resigned" I'm just fearful that I won't achieve them. Come on you can't give up that easy? :(
Okay, I haven't 100% "given up", but I'm aware that achieving some goals seem so far away and practically out of reach that they're barely worth pursuing.

Owning my own house, for example. House prices are so expensive that I can't imagine I'll ever afford to have one. That's just one example but that's the kind of level I think on.

Terrible, I know.


Well-known member
Okay, I haven't 100% "given up", but I'm aware that achieving some goals seem so far away and practically out of reach that they're barely worth pursuing.

Owning my own house, for example. House prices are so expensive that I can't imagine I'll ever afford to have one. That's just one example but that's the kind of level I think on.

Terrible, I know.

I understand, I've tried progressing on achieving my goals a number of times before and failed even came back to square 1, I've been horribly depressed about it since, more so to the point that I didn't think I'd ever be able to keep on. Now my attitude has totally changed.
Just don't give up hope.


Well-known member
I understand, I've tried progressing on achieving my goals a number of times before and failed even came back to square 1, I've been horribly depressed about it since, more so to the point that I didn't think I'd ever be able to keep on. Now my attitude has totally changed.
Just don't give up hope.
That's awesome that your view has totally changed, and I commend you for doing that. :)

I won't give up hope, but it's very hard in a world where your entire existence depends on how much money you have. It's difficult to get ahead and I just don't foresee myself being successful at much.


Well-known member
I can relate to your entire list but I'm glad to see there are others here with this. I thought I was nuts!

Haha, no you're so not alone. Every time my phone rings I get nervous! It sounds silly but I hate telephones. I have gotten better at answering calls now though but I still don't like it. I prefer e-mails, lol.


Well-known member
Haha, no you're so not alone. Every time my phone rings I get nervous! It sounds silly but I hate telephones. I have gotten better at answering calls now though but I still don't like it. I prefer e-mails, lol.

Sounds daft but my son has this problem. If he needs to phone anyone like the electricity company he calls me up to get me to phone and pretend to be him