Things you're scared of or dread?


Well-known member
people wearing rings
bare feet
signing my name when my hand starts to shake.


Well-known member
Oh, I'd like to add: never finding love and being with a woman

(and before you say it, no, I'm not interested in men)


Well-known member
Making small talk to a cashier, or to anyone face to face. Job interviews, ordering food through a drive through...this coult go on foreverrr

tell me about it soon as a shop keeper or anyone like that makes small talk its like my brain freezes and i just cant think of anything witty to say. soon as i leave the shop a great line pops in to my head and im like why did i not just say that instead of looking blank like a complete moron haha


Well-known member
Being criticised
Public speaking
Asking people for favours
Getting older without having accomplished anything
Being alone
Not being able to control my emotions
Voice quivering
Using phones and emailing
Competing with others
Asking others for help


Tornadoes :eek:

Not that I've ever experienced one (and I hope never to have to.....).


Well-known member
I'm terrified of other people feeling awkward around me. I'm much more comfortable when I feel like others have accepted my quiet nature and don't feel weird about it. But I get extremely nervous if I feel like my quietness is making someone else uncomfortable.


Well-known member
Sorry Mr Jones, but you're too terrific a dude for that to happen.
Thanks, but I already accepted it. Not that I am hopeless, but unless there is a huge change in my life, which I am to terrified to make, things are gonna remain the same. It could be worse.


Well-known member
Losing my mom, pretty much anything that has to do with socialization, being misjudged/misunderstood, public school, finding a new job, spiders (there's a massive one on my ceiling as we speak >__<), and the list goes on...


Well-known member
What people think of me. ::eek:: No matter what, I always feel like people are predisposed to dislike me.

I'm terrified of spiders, but no one's allowed to kill them here - my rule. :p I always get upset about people killing bugs. I'm often scared of making mistakes, because I do it a lot. It puts me off trying to do things that I don't already know how to do.


Well-known member
I'm often scared of making mistakes, because I do it a lot. It puts me off trying to do things that I don't already know how to do.
^This too. It doesn't matter how many mistakes I can make, I'm never going to get used to it, it's something that kills me (and more than once, almost literally, and still waiting for the results of one of them).


Well-known member
Why is everyone so afraid of spiders? Surely you could take one or two or a hundred in a fight...

this is what i use....



Well-known member
I'm terrified of spiders, but no one's allowed to kill them here - my rule. :p I always get upset about people killing bugs.

Wish I could say the same about me but I definitely can't. I will go Rambo on any spiders that manage to get in here. Only spiders though. I'm usually cool with other bugs unless they actually pose a threat. So sorry spiders but you aint gonna live in my house for free ::p:


Well-known member
Why is everyone so afraid of spiders? Surely you could take one or two or a hundred in a fight...

Honestly I never really minded them until a few years ago when I saw the disgustingly pustulent mass of a spider bite my grandmother got on her stomach from a black widow that had gotten into one of her shirts and bit her when she put it on. Ever since then I've been obsessively checking all my clothes and shoes before I put a body part anywhere near them O__-


Well-known member
Things not having order,
Other people messing up my order of life,
Odd numbers in everyday things i.e. Odd footsteps to wherever I am going. If I set off with my left foot I have to end with my right, if not it makes me panicky.
Failing at anything I do or try to do,
My marriage breaking up, a constant paranoid fear.
Embarassing myself in front of people,
Losing new friends, even on here. This sounds pathetic as I don't really know any of you properly but I panic if I people don't talk to me for a while. I automaticaly think I have done something to offend and it plays on my mind till the next time we talk and it's like a relief. And although I now feel embarassed (see last fear) as hell typing this I am not removing it bc I have to face my fears. ::(: