Things you're scared of or dread?


Well-known member
List them below - I'd like to know ^_^

my list: people hearing or feeling me breath, in-closed areas, communicating with teachers or other superiors, people hearing what music I'm listening to, going out, the future and worries that I'm not good enough.

There's probably more but I can't think! Your turn? :)


Well-known member
People getting buried instead of cremated- and coming back as zombies.

not really... I love zombies. XD
I'm scared of everything else, basically.
People- people staring- people attacking me- people judging me- people turning into zombies.
Also, the dark. (shhh!)


Well-known member
Walking into school,going out in public,talking with teachers, driving, having to answer a question in class, public speaking/presentations, the future and what it might bring, manchester utd. winning the premier league...


Well-known member
Attention, rejection, judgments, responsability, opportunities, importance, changes, thoughts, feelings, numbness, failure, loneliness, intelligence, beauty, fun, confidence, future, past, present, death, life, people, myself....


Well-known member
Definitely not zombies. I'd make myself king in a zombie apocalypse!

In all seriousness though, probably being old. I feel like I act an old man at my young age now, so actually being old is...


Well-known member
I'm scared of
what others think of me
intelligent and confident ppl
looking stupid
being boring


Well-known member
busy areas like a classroom, talking in front of groups, getting on a packed bus. have this fear il get cancer for some reason


Well-known member
i'm afraid of being abandoned.
i'm afraid of caring too much for people who can hurt me
i dread social gatherings
i'm afraid of the dark
i'm afraid of never knowing what i truly want and always feeling like i have a hole in my heart.


Well-known member
I'm scared of death , not death itself but a horrible death scenario , dying in extreme panic and suffering. And being judged by others , what others think of me , not being respected . I'm just scared of other humans , i'd choose the mindless zombies instead.

There are other things that scares me but that i actually enjoy , such as ghost stories , horror flicks and video games , being in the forest alone at night , etc


Well-known member
I'm terrified of what others think of me, I wish they could just say it.
The future scares me too. I try to not think about it too much.
Thankfully the past is gone forever.
Until time machines become a reality.


Well-known member
the future.
being a failure, as a husband, as a network tech, failing at life.
running into people from highschool
that my children, should i have any, will have to deal with S/A as well

im also scared of travelling internationally. i dont know why but im always scared of somthing happening, and never being able to come back home again.

I also hate public bathrooms. im scared to go in them. *sigh*


Well-known member
I have quite the list, but I'm too lazy to type them all, so I'm just going to name one. Spiders.

I hate spiders with a passion. They're so creepy, and disgusting, and they scare the crap out of me. Just over the weekend, I had grabbed the paper and sat on the couch and started reading the paper on the coffee table. While I was reading, this spider starts crawling across my paper, out of no where. I quickly jumped back into the couch, said something that I can't remember (probably something along the lines of "Holy crap," "Jesus," or "Oh my god"), got up and went the other direction to grab a shoe, and just as this happening my cousin walks in the living room. She's all like o_O "Are you okay?" "Um... there's a spider..."

And yes, I did kill it. :)
Socializing with women.

Big ugly nocturnal butterflies (seriously).

To die before doing and knowing all that I want.

And as usually with this threads, that the OP is gathering information for the room 101. :p


Well-known member
I fear / dread

Social gatherings
Meeting boyfriend´s family and friends
What others think of me/say about me
Calling for a doctors appointment
Letters/calls from anyone who wants me to do something or wants me to pay off loan
Western civilization