The Confession Booth


Well-known member
I wish I had a virtual hammer to smack into people when they say stupid stuff that I used to think/say.

It would be like whack-a-mole!! As soon you smack one person, another pops up and says something else stupid! Before you know it, everyone is popping up everywhere saying stupid things and you won't be able to control them!:eek:

...Please excuse my warped mind.::p:


Well-known member
Ohey it's Queen avatar woooo! Psst, I think Queen does not approve of thinking of you killing yourself so try thinking of some other way of making your life better :).

I wish I had a virtual hammer to smack into people when they say stupid stuff that I used to think/say.

Haha, yeah I know they wouldn't approve... That's why I never listen to their song Don't Try Suicide because it makes me feel bad for thinking about it lollll ;)


Well-known member
Halloween approaches. And if there's a time to bring those skeletons out, that's it.

And with all the other skeletons, who will really give any attention to ours?


Well-known member
"Has your word choice evolved from that of an adolescent yet?"

"You have the personality of a sloth"

I want to say that to someone who said repeated unkind things to me for about 2 years.

Instead I still wave and smile and say hello. Perhaps that annoys them more?


Well-known member
3) I've always had a soft spot for him ever since i spoke to him on here, but why would he be interested in a chubby 18 year old?

it seems you have everything to gain and nothing to lose, why not try?

5) I'm a weak person and curious about ways to escape my past and worries for the future that im worried that eventually i'll have a drug/alchohol addiction.

im at the end of that road, it is a dark dark place. you think you're bleak now? try dealing with all the problems SPW members go through while the only thing that keeps you happy costs money that you don't have. It can only end one way.


Well-known member
I would if i didn't have social phobia, and low self esteem, and fear of rejection lol. :rolleyes:

If he's here he's just like you or me, we all suffer from similar SA. I've only been here a couple days and it seem everyone is very understanding.

I may not be addicted to drugs or alcohol now, but i spend lots of money on other things that make me happy too which have caused me to go into debt.

If you ever do decide to try i recommend staying away from opiates. they are the best and worst thing in the world. When you're up you're on top of the world, filled with pure love and bliss. When you're down you're empty and dead inside. compound that with social anxiety and/or depression and you've got a mess on your hands.


Active member
Sometimes I wish I could switch lives with someone who has a terminal illness. I wish I could take the place of some little kid in the hospital who has cancer, who has hopes and dreams and actually wants to live their life to the fullest and make something out of themselves.


Well-known member
Sometimes I wish I could switch lives with someone who has a terminal illness. I wish I could take the place of some little kid in the hospital who has cancer, who has hopes and dreams and actually wants to live their life to the fullest and make something out of themselves.

That is just how I feel. A few months ago, a friend of mine died and I always wish that I died instead of him because he was young, intelligent and confident and he had a great future ahead of him.


Active member
^I'm sorry about your friend, and I'm sorry you feel that way, but I completely understand. I don't know about you, but for me it's a little more selfish than I'd like to admit. It would feel like a relief to me, and of course I'd be happy to help another person, but I think it would mainly be a relief.


Well-known member
our existence is so short and very temporary, i feel like killing myself all the time but i could never go through with it

i know with time we all make the trip anyways, so ill ride it out to the end.


Well-known member
I confess that I cut myself to feel better. I confess that sometimes I don't know why I'm crying. I confess that I've attempted to commit suicide before. I confess that I don't believe in sex before marriage and it hurts me that most people don't understand that.


I frequently make up elaborate about lies as to why I can't go out, as well as about where the cuts on my arm came from...


not actually Fiona Apple
I blame myself for every conceivable imperfection in my character, appearance, ability, and even bad things not related to me. I often times think this in a very irrational manor, I won't use a personal example but like thinking because I spilled milk a friends dog dies (I know it doesn't make sense but it's my messed up version of karma). My secret to seeing the good in everyone is by putting all the bad on myself. It's never your fault it's always mine. I could go deeper but I think I'll stop here.


Well-known member
I have a lot to confess, even the word "a lot" is an understatement... I'm really sorry that people have to read this and think "Wow what a loser b**** this girl is" but this is something I really needed to get off my chest. I thought now would be a good time to be true to myself, for once...

Anyway, I was raised in a Catholic family. My grandmother was practically a saint, my mother made mistakes in life but she really has come clean at an amazing extent, and my father was and still is the one man in this world I will call a "good man", but me, I'm the worst example for this family. Calling myself a "Catholic" is pretty much a slap in God's face...

I cuss more than a sailor. My mind is very "unpure" - I think about sexual things more than what could possibly be considered healthy for a girl. I care about others more than I care about myself (That would probably be considered a good thing but what I mean is that I treat even strangers better than I treat myself in most cases). I make up lies to get myself out of uncomfortable situations and people's feelings usually get hurt because of it. Whenever I get into arguments with people I make them look like the bad person and make it sound like I'm the one who's being hurt when I'm just hurting myself and the other person, and a whole bunch of other things... Just my being alive is a sin in itself, in my opinion.

I should be the happiest person on Earth with the life I have. I was born healthy, have a caring family who would never hurt me, a roof over my head, food on my table, clothes on my body, and, well, let's just say I'm very well taken care of in life. There are people out there dying of disease and starvation, getting beaten by their parents, living on the streets and so on, yet here I am, a girl with the "perfect life", acting like life is the worst thing that's ever happened to her.

I hate that people say I'm beautiful on the outside when I'm so ugly on the inside.
I hate that I can't even look into a mirror without being tempted to break it and watch myself shatter.
I hate living this perfect life that I don't deserve.
I hate everything about myself, including my very existence.

My biggest question in life is why do I exist? What's the point in my existence if all I'm good for is making myself and others unhappy? Why do I have everything that I have when there are poor souls living out there who could use and deserve all the money, clothes, and love I get that I sure as hell don't deserve to have?

I know I'm the one who's making myself unhappy and who's bringing all this negativity upon myself, but it's like I don't know how to be happy.
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^MaliceInWickedland, the things that you describe about yourself, that you see as bad, sounds all very normal, typical teenage and human stuff. Having been brought up as a catholic myself, I think that you may be looking at yourself through the catholic lens and perceiving that you are bad. You are not. I believe that being catholic is the problem, not being a normal human.


Well-known member
^MaliceInWickedland, the things that you describe about yourself, that you see as bad, sounds all very normal, typical teenage and human stuff. Having been brought up as a catholic myself, I think that you may be looking at yourself through the catholic lens and perceiving that you are bad. You are not. I believe that being catholic is the problem, not being a normal human.

Wow, I've got to hand it to you, that really left me stumped... I've put many thoughts into this matter for quite a while, but I never actually considered that one thought. I think you're right though, and I really appreciate your input on this. Thanks a billion for your help ***and for actually taking the time to read through all my nonsense in that post*** :)