I need to sound off about something, and didn't know where else to put it so I'm putting it in here.
I'm so ****ing sick of seeing teen moms. I mean, disgusted. Society enables them to do it, there are pregnancy packs in schools, welfare just keeps handing out money to these stupid b*tches! I mean c'mon!
Obviously there is nothing that can be done about underage sex, but why can't we do something about their pregnancies?! These kids... I mean My God! They're kids themselves! They bring these tiny, innocent lives into a world filled with drama, drugs, alcohol and abuse! How are they so blind to this? How can they be so selfish, we ask?
Because their minds are too immature to understand it, that's why. If there was any time to amend rules and laws against this, it is now. I'm not saying throwing young mothers in jail (although some of them need a good wake up call), but make it so they can't get any help from the state! Do away with welfare for pregnant mothers! Tighten up the routine checks on families with pregnant daughters so their parents can't commit welfare fraud! Do away with school daycares! Make it so they see with their own eyes how wrong they are acting!!!!
I'm tired of seeing adults, who took care of themselves and saved the money to support a child, not being able to have their own! I'm tired and sad to see that, and these kids are just popping them out irresponsibly! Its an awful thing, seeing hard working, responsible ADULTS have their efforts wasted while some dumb slut opens her legs and whoop there's a child. And even worse, those poor ADULTS's hard earned tax dollars go to support that b*tch's bad choices!
I had to get that out... I don't feel a whole lot better... but at least its been vented