Something GOOD That Happened Today!


Well-known member
I bought more gluten-free flours today. Now it's time to bake! :)

And my other college books came in today.

This money spending is worrying me... But college is supposed to leave you poor, right?


Well-known member
I bought more gluten-free flours today. Now it's time to bake! :)

I'll have a chocolate cake if your making?

Today I went out to the doctors. And got there on time for my appointment. Sat in a small waiting room which was FULL about 50 people there and my anxiety went through the roof. The only seat that was left just happened to be the one that was in the middle where everyone else's seats were facing. So I had everyone looking at me. But I stayed there waiting and waiting 1 hour later I finally got to see the doctor.

When my anxiety normally gets that bad I would leave but I didn't today I managed to see it through to the end. (thats my good thing for today).


Well-known member
I'll have a chocolate cake if your making?
^ I didn't make chocolate cake tonight, but I do happen to have some leftover chocolate cupcakes in the freezer if you'd like. :)

Today I went out to the doctors. And got there on time for my appointment. Sat in a small waiting room which was FULL about 50 people there and my anxiety went through the roof. The only seat that was left just happened to be the one that was in the middle where everyone else's seats were facing. So I had everyone looking at me. But I stayed there waiting and waiting 1 hour later I finally got to see the doctor.

When my anxiety normally gets that bad I would leave but I didn't today I managed to see it through to the end. (thats my good thing for today).
^ :eek: You sat anyway? Wow. That's great! No way would I have sat there. I probably would've either left, or just stood a bit, waiting to see if anyone got up for their appointment and just steal their seat. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I didn't make chocolate cake tonight, but I do happen to have some leftover chocolate cupcakes in the freezer if you'd like. :)

Ohh. Yes please chocolate cupcakes sounds nice. :D

:eek: You sat anyway? Wow. That's great! No way would I have sat there. I probably would've either left, or just stood a bit, waiting to see if anyone got up for their appointment and just steal their seat. :rolleyes:

Thanks. Yeah I just sat there. I had my aunt with me which helped me a lot knowing I had someone I knew there with me. If she wasn't there I'd probably would of walked out. I did feel good afterwords for managing to stay in a very uncomfortable situation.

Today I had a visit from my younger sister, my older sister and my niece and nephew. It was good to see them as I've not seen them for just over a year. My niece and nephew have grown a lot since I last saw them.


Well-known member
Thanks. Yeah I just sat there. I had my aunt with me which helped me a lot knowing I had someone I knew there with me. If she wasn't there I'd probably would of walked out. I did feel good afterwords for managing to stay in a very uncomfortable situation.
^ Oh, that's good. Yeah, having someone along almost always helps my anxiety. Heck, I normally don't feel nervous at all in public if someone's with me. When I'm alone, however, I feel awful/scared/nervous/jittery/etc. But anyway, yeah. Awesome for staying in that uncomfortable situation. :)
Feeling much better today, inspired, wrote some nice things on a paper :)
Now i'm going to sleep ^^

And I love this topic, it's a shining thread on SPW :D I mean, we should never forget our moment of positiveness, it's a great step, and a way forward! :)

It's the evidence, that we can really be great !!!! I mean maybe we are anxious and stuff, but still we can be doing great, so never forget those moments, and if you are feeling like you have to escape from a social event, remind yourself of a good moment like this you've experienced, hopefully it will reduce the pain, I know anxiety is hard to go through, Sa is a weirdow..

Well, I should reallly go to bed now, or I'll be staying up all night, That wouldn't be good, right? :rolleyes: that would be a real complaining zombie::eek::
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I found a perfect pair of jeans today. :)

You have no idea how hard it is to find jeans that actually fit in size and length. I love it when no hemming is needed. :D


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An old friend who i went separate ways with a long time ago messaged me on facebook asking how everything was.It made me smile.


Well-known member
i made a nice connection with my manager today. i talked to a couple of friends on facebook. i put together a nice birthday gift for my mom. i had a nice talk with a friend i haven't seen in a while.


Well-known member
I went out to drink at the weekly piano bar with a couple of friends. There I met a girl, a friend of one of my friends and someone I had seen on the streets and I thought looked nice.

We started to talk and suddenly we were sitting next to each other cuddling, and later at the after-party we just sat in the couch kissing. I just followed her home and we have arranged to meet later this week so things are looking very good :D


Well-known member
I went out to drink at the weekly piano bar with a couple of friends. There I met a girl, a friend of one of my friends and someone I had seen on the streets and I thought looked nice.

We started to talk and suddenly we were sitting next to each other cuddling, and later at the after-party we just sat in the couch kissing. I just followed her home and we have arranged to meet later this week so things are looking very good :D

Awww congrats~! :D
Hope everything works out well for the both of you :)