Something GOOD That Happened Today!


Well-known member
Well, I did manage to finish one book and start another. I suppose that's a good thing. And I managed to make some use of my boring weekend and get over half my homework done.

Today was still a pretty craptastic day though. :/
^ To add to the list, I finally got to talk to my cousin on Facebook today. :) It was a small conversation, but at least I finally got to talk to him. He's coming back from Chicago in about a month, I'm pretty excited. :) I haven't seen him since January.


Well-known member
I forgot to say this Friday night/yesterday - went to movies/hung a bit with my old group of friends I avoided all summer. Bad summer officially over... mostly :D


Well-known member
I went to the thrift store today and happened to find The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played With Fire. Bought them both for less than $2! :D

I just keep adding to my 'To Read' pile. I'll eventually get around to finishing every single book. ::p:


Active member
I just keep adding to my 'To Read' pile. I'll eventually get around to finishing every single book. ::p:

My reading list never gets shorter because there's always something interesting to add to it - sometimes this pile of books is quite daunting.

Anyway, today I actually started working on my project again. Hooray!


Well-known member
I defended two of my (female) friends from three obnoxious guys who were being pushy and obscene. I managed to chase them away from our table after I gave them some subtle threats.


Well-known member
I defended two of my (female) friends from three obnoxious guys who were being pushy and obscene. I managed to chase them away from our table after I gave them some subtle threats.


GOOD JOB that's a good thing! =)


Well-known member
Well, this happened yesterday, but right when I was about to head out the door and leave to go back to college, two of my friends decided to call me and rush over to my house to see me at the last minute.

I haven't seen them or really spoken to them in over a month. That surprise made me happy. :)


Well-known member
Honestly there is nothing good about today. The biggest highlight for me was coming back home from losing my job as librarian's assistant and being greeted by my puppy Gizmo who spent like half an hour licking me as I cried. I really feel like dogs are more human than humans themselves in most aspects.