Something GOOD That Happened Today!


Well-known member
I think you may be me from a different universe o_O

i woke up early today, it feels great to have a longer day. 4 more hours makes a lot of difference

That's what I meant... I woke up early today, and feels better than sleeping in. =) Longer day, more sun, better. Despite I'll prob end up doing nothing great with those extra hours... tho if I say that now I really won't so... I WILL. Do something. More.
That's what I meant... I woke up early today, and feels better than sleeping in. =) Longer day, more sun, better. Despite I'll prob end up doing nothing great with those extra hours... tho if I say that now I really won't so... I WILL. Do something. More.

Oh I know, I was, I'm confusing. I was agreeing with you, oh wise one ;)


Well-known member
I finally bought a present for my best friend, which I was owing her for so long!!:) I couldn't find anything suitable for her. Well, maybe I am a little too demanding with the presents I give... ::eek::


Well-known member
I had my very first kiss! It was not what I imagined, not what I would have planned, totally unexpected... and it was the most perfect moment.

And I'm not going to analyze what I should have said or done, or plan and predict who/what/when/where the next time will be. It won't last, but just for a while I'm like everybody else and it feels like magic.


Well-known member
Thats awsome Mickery!!! great for you! :D

I bought a homeless man a breakfast sandwich and coffee this morning.


Well-known member
I had my very first kiss! It was not what I imagined, not what I would have planned, totally unexpected... and it was the most perfect moment.

And I'm not going to analyze what I should have said or done, or plan and predict who/what/when/where the next time will be. It won't last, but just for a while I'm like everybody else and it feels like magic.
^ That's great! :)

I bought a homeless man a breakfast sandwich and coffee this morning.
^ This put a smile on my face too. :) Good for you!!

My day just started, so nothing good... yet. However, I finally finished most of my college payments this week. :) Feels good not to have them hanging over your head. Now I'm just waiting to buy one more book, and then I have a few more basics to buy, and clothes, and I'll finally be all done with this stuff.


Well-known member
I woke up and workout right away ( brushed my teeth first lol). I didn't got lazy and go straight to the computer, i'm proud of myself :)


Well-known member
I had my very first kiss! It was not what I imagined, not what I would have planned, totally unexpected... and it was the most perfect moment.

And I'm not going to analyze what I should have said or done, or plan and predict who/what/when/where the next time will be. It won't last, but just for a while I'm like everybody else and it feels like magic.

Just make sure it's not the last or last person like I did =D Or That's awesome, woohoo.

I went to lunch with a friend YESTERDAY, but that was good for I hadn't done anything with anyone for 2 and a half weeks.


Well-known member
I got another book in I ordered.

I love getting things in the mail. Haven't gotten anything in months, but it's always a bit exciting to receive something that you've been waiting for.

ehh... and I have to think of something 'good'?
nothing bad happened.
That's good.
Nothing really good happened either-- but that's fine. Being neutral is fine.


Well-known member
I went in a store by myself today, and didn't feel nervous. (Sucks my nerves came back though at the second store :p)
I got a decent pair of jeans.
And I redyed my hair today.

Yeah, today went pretty well. :)
Today I went to the store while having an anxiety wave coming up.
I thought I would freak out this moment, I just wanted to face it so I just went.
First I said like no I can't do this, moment right after I said, now it's time to go.

So I was walking around in the super market and I was feeling nervous and I thought I should walk out of the store and just wait for my girlfriend (we were going together) searching for products, just to distract myself a little and even found some helpful stuff, made me feel a little positive about myself.

So, facing the waiting line...
I was going anxious again, I remember my girlfriend asked me a few questions, I just was like answering ''Yeah, umm okay'' all the time, because I couldn't concentrate on what she was saying, I was having my attention all on the people around me, afraid of them looking at me, and observing my silly facial expression and fear of them, so yeah basically I thought I was acting stupid.
(negative thoughts:rolleyes:)

So during the time waiting to buy the groceries, the customer in front of me, had a problem at the cash register, so we had to wait a couple of minutes and I had to stand there, in the waiting line, I actually had this thought coming up like: What if it would happen to me? Would I go and run out of the store inmediately? Noway, I would just react like, Oh can happen.
I know this probably is a funny way of thinking, but I really think it is inspiring, a message for me, telling that it is okay, everybody makes mistakes, everybody feels anxious sometimes at a store, or wherever you will be in what kind of scenario, now this stupid thing didn't work at the cash register, so it could really happen to anyone, so they weren't looking at me, this time.
So, it's all about how you act in a social situation, if you really would have an uncertain body language around people, they will notice, so we just have to work on the right thing, like not showing our fears, and maybe it is even good to realise, it's not bad to show it too, I mean... real self VS fake self right?

Show your anxiety, only need to find a way to not care about the judgement, and work at one step at a time and just get more confident, but figure out it's okay to feel this way, and even though people have this weirdow face, i mean, looking down on you and like what the heck, well... Screw them, they are screwers, if they dislike us, judge a book by its cover, they should tell it right in front of your face, i guess they are socially anxious about that too, so we shouldn't care, we have this anxiety thing, and we will find a way, we just have to fight and know it's a part of us, and it will help us getting stronger and have something to be proud of, by every step we take. :D
Today I spotted a coin at work that was marked for €0,60, so I took it to the manager because it looked more expensive then that, so he then did some research, it turned out that the coin was worth €45,- total. It was a commemorate coin from the US made of .999 silver.

I didn't get a physical reward other then a compliment on vigilance, but neither was it necessary. Knowing I made a good call is enough for me.
Got invited to do social survey in exchange for £10, oh yeah, and I put £30 deposit down on a beautiful new acoustic guitar. Steps taken to reclaim the bits of me Ive filed away, so thats a good thing, just gotta stick with it this time and not give in to self-hate.
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