Something GOOD That Happened Today!


Well-known member
I went out to drink at the weekly piano bar with a couple of friends. There I met a girl, a friend of one of my friends and someone I had seen on the streets and I thought looked nice.

We started to talk and suddenly we were sitting next to each other cuddling, and later at the after-party we just sat in the couch kissing. I just followed her home and we have arranged to meet later this week so things are looking very good :D

Congrats man :)

Beyond Timid

Active member
I waved at my crush and he smiled.

But then he didn't talk to me at all, so I don't know if that's a good thing anymore.
Re: Something GOOD That Happened Yesterday!

My favourite shop to browse is a cooperitive which sells collectible items salvaged from the tip/dump. New stuff comes in each day, so its a wondorous place to explore, its like a museum where you can purchase the exhibits. While I was there yesterday they brought in a 1950s kids firetruck style pedal car - maybe worth hundreds - that someone had tossed out, and I discovered a tarry old beehive smoker with a mesmerising aroma. The best finds, such as these dolls heads, are placed in the everchanging window displays.

oooooooh I would LOVE a shop like that!:cool:
^I don't know about wanting to buy someone's old smelly ballet slippers though!haha::p:


Well-known member
^^^^NO MEH'S ALLOWED in this thread :D

Could be worse, I've been having much better weeks/days. Today a nice walk and lunch with a friend.


Well-known member
Veni, Vidi, Vici, Poopy. Day didn't start too swell (ergo the poopy) but is going well now I'm ringing bells. Gonna conquer the week. Woo!


Well-known member
Meh nothing really good happened today.School starts tomorrow so I doubt anything good will happen the rest of the week either.


Well-known member
I made homemade pop-tarts! :D

And I finally just got done the rest of my homework that's not due til Wed.


Well-known member
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!!! XD


Hmmm good thing.... I'm still not sure if it's good or not, but I talked to my mother about something important. I hope it's a good thing in the end...


Well-known member
Well, I did manage to finish one book and start another. I suppose that's a good thing. And I managed to make some use of my boring weekend and get over half my homework done.

Today was still a pretty craptastic day though. :/