Something GOOD That Happened Today!


Well-known member
Pulled out an old memory stick with pics of my former life. I was so happy then. Reminds me that people can love me and I can love myself.


Well-known member
Well nothing today since I just woke up but this week has been pretty good.

tuesday: I made an oral presentation that made the whole class laugh, It's good when people laugh when you are trying be funny :cool:. More people started to talk to me after and added me on facebook.

wednesday: I spend like 2 hours with a girl I like who, unfortunately, has a bf

yesterday: my ultimate crush joked with me and we rarely ever talk. unfortunately she has a bf too


Well-known member
I honestly can't think of anything good about today. Well, the day hasn't come to an end yet, so there's a chance something good will happen. But I doubt it.


not actually Fiona Apple
I flaunted my nerdom yesterday by demonstrating my knowledge of the upcoming marvel movies :D


Well-known member
One of my idols just sent back the answers to an interview I sent him. I knew it was coming, but the amount he wrote for me (800 words worth!!!) is just amazing! :D

It's going to help me so much with my dissertation and possible publishing deals. I think I'm going to blast out his music all day. So chuffed with that! :cool:


Well-known member
My Accounting teacher gladly informed us that there won't be class Monday or Wednesday next week. :)

Actually the conversation was more like this:

Teacher: "I have something to tell you guys. Next week -"
Random guy in front: *cuts in* " - There's no class?!" :D
Teacher: "Well you don't need to be that happy!"


Well-known member
FINALLY got my dentist to send a referral to an oral surgeon to remove the wisdom teeth from my lower jaw. These b******* are driving me nuts!!


Well-known member
FINALLY got my dentist to send a referral to an oral surgeon to remove the wisdom teeth from my lower jaw. These b******* are driving me nuts!!
^ Oh man, good luck! You'll need it. XP I just hope you don't go through as much pain as I did.

Then again, mine were pretty bad. I've always been a difficult one, with everything it seems. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
When having lunch with my friend today, a guy came over asking for directions to a bridge. It made me happy because I knew exactly how to get there, so I gave him specific directions and he thanked me for my help.

It wasn't much but me being nice to a person in need was something good that happened today.


Well-known member
I watched Starman on PAY TV. I really like the scene where Starman brings the deer back to life. I watched the film and felt good for a while.


Well-known member
There's a positive side to every situation, surely as there's two sides to a coin and an inside and outside that form a cup.

So, for all the bad we may focus on, there MUST be at least ONE good or nice thing, even a little bit we can think of and say.

Even if for 1 fleeting second of the day we must find those moments and latch onto them, and drop the bad ones like a bad habit (or bad cliche =D No matter how simple or silly. THINK hard =D


Today for me, not going to do something allowed me to collect my thoughts actually and made my mood good. And I am playing a great satisfying albeit time chugging game, Mass Effect.

I felt pretty confident today. I didn't have a horrible day at work as was okay. :]


Well-known member
Took my brother out to lunch and we had a good time.

Also managed to take my order without being all embarrassed or stumbling over my words. :)