I went to lunch with a friend I haven't seen for a while and it was fun. We spent almost 3 hours talking and we've made plans to meet up next week sometime with another friend that I haven't seen in a longer time.
That's awesome.^Awww, that's so sweet.
Whenever I see my nephews, they come running up, yelling, "Auntie Kate, Auntie Kate!" before leaping on me for a big hug. They're so enthusiastically demonstrative about it. Makes me feel loved. I wish it were that easy to be with everyone.
^ Yeah kids can be so adorable.I went to my band mate's place to pick up some of my drums. When I walked in his 18-month-old boy was there, doing what babies do. I haven't seen him in a little while, so he's certainly grown up a little. As soon as he saw me, he wanted me to hold him so I picked him up. As soon as I put him down he wanted me to pick him up again and he hugged me. ::
It was a sweet moment, more so because I freeze up when it comes to kids.
No, this does not make me want to have kids of my own!
Yeah, I have the exact same thoughts. Never grew up around any young people so I don't have the experience. And yeah, I don't know what to do or say around children so I try to avoid that situation altogether.^ Yeah kids can be so adorable.I usually freeze up around kids too because I usually don't even know what to do. I never grew up around younger siblings or a lot of younger relatives because I don't really have any. So yeah, as adorable as they can be, I still don't want kids of my own either.
^ What can I say? I'm magical!You took the thoughts straight from my brain!
I got a letter in the mail today informing me that I have been accepted into a social work degree starting next year. 4 years of study to come.
I got a letter in the mail today informing me that I have been accepted into a social work degree starting next year. 4 years of study to come.
Wow! Congratulations ShyKiwi!!
I hope it all goes well for you.
Congrats and good luck with the study ShyKiwi.
^ That's great! Congrats!I got a letter in the mail today informing me that I have been accepted into a social work degree starting next year. 4 years of study to come.
At my writing class last night there was a woman new to the group, new to Wellington, she'd been here five days. And her work was good, it was... amazing, I can't think but she'll publish.
In the past, I had to blinker myself to anyone else's work in order to hear my voice at all, and not lose it in comparison.
But last night, I found her not intimidating but inspiring, and I wrote better than I've done in a long long time.
I hope she comes back, I want to hear more!