b) I'm an atheist. So: no reincarnation, no heaven, no angels or similiar. Just, nothingness, forever. While that might be good if you are in terrible pain due to an uncurable disease. it's worse than about anything else. I mean... just nothing, forever... It's unimaginable.
Not to be "that guy" but everyone ends up that way anyway.
If you are 100% depressed and have gotten all the help possible while trying anything and everything...then maybe skipping all the suffering is a good option. Everyone ends up with nothing forever either way and everything ends up being irrelevant.
On a side note...I've never really been low enough to seriously consider suicide. Although, the pain of it and suffering of my close friends and family would be my two obstacles.
If I were to do it, I would do some planning to make it as air tight as possible so that I didn't fail.
Suicide on a whim...probably a bad idea.