I have been researching fast food chains based in the USA. Firstly - I want a Taco Bell here. Looks excellent. Secondly - IHOP - International house of pancakes? According to the website there is nothing international about it. Looks good though - a fast food chain serving nothing but breakfast. Brilliant. Dennys? Great - white castle?? Cheescake factory? Applebees? My god it never ends...ARGGGH...
Taco Bell sucks, but I'm not really into Mexican food anyhow. Still, it's FAKE Mexican food, so don't mourn the lack of it there
IHOP - heh. I used to go there as a kid, loved it. Always got the smiley pancake with whipped cream and chocolate chips, so nutritious. They've stepped up their game quite a bit, and they have some good stuff there. Some good but completely unhealthy food. Some of their other stuff sucks.
Denny's is disgusting. Seriously, it's about two rungs below IHOP. Cheap breakfast deals, so if you're not picky go for it, but I absolutely hate Denny's. I'd sooner go to McDonald's :/
Never been to White Castle.
Cheesecake Factory is DELICIOUS. Pricey though. Like, a glass of orange juice is about $5, that kind of pricey. BUT - it's freshly squeezed. Not Tropicana "fresh from the grove" BS fresh, but REALLY FRESHLY SQUEEZED RIGHT THERE. A-mazingly good. I LOVE Cheesecake Factory. And their hummus is... dear lord, heavenly. I want some now
Applebee's is okay if you just want a standard, fairly-priced traditional American heart-clogging steak or burger meal.