Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I ... need .... something

Okay.. *pant* I brought you one of everything *pant* in existence.

..You wouldn't think it, but hot air balloons are really heavy when you drag them by foot. And racoon's do not like being carried either. Also buckets of lava are really hot.

Hope what you're looking for is amongst here.


Super Moderator
Ah, violence. Part of me shouldn't encourage violence, but the other part is doing a very good job at convincing me to not care::p:. Some people need a good butt-kicking;). Be sure to send us a video:D!

Some people deserve a good kick, though. Or at least a slap in the face.


Well-known member
I think I was deleted from the facebook group and am mad and upset and baffled because I don't understand why. I did or said nothing that should have upset anyone, so I just don't get it :/


I think I was deleted from the facebook group and am mad and upset and baffled because I don't understand why. I did or said nothing that should have upset anyone, so I just don't get it :/

Why do you need a secret facebook group - stay here with the rest of us plebs. Where everyone is welcome. There is no exclusivity here.