Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
I think I was deleted from the facebook group and am mad and upset and baffled because I don't understand why. I did or said nothing that should have upset anyone, so I just don't get it :/
Me too, but the admin deleted the account, so you didn't get deleted from group, it was the group that got deleted.


Well-known member
Me too, but the admin deleted the account, so you didn't get deleted from group, it was the group that got deleted.

Thanks for letting me know that :) I just noticed the group was no longer on my list so I assumed I was deleted from it. I don't understand why the admin would have deleted the group though. People were always posting there.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
What do you do when you are years past your breaking point? For me, I don't think I care about anything in this world.. Literally, I don't care for anything.. I use video games again as a primary escapism; when I go away from video games, I realise how crap my life and the world are and feel a strong compulsion to get back into the game. Sadly, this is my only outlet.. I feel like my apathy is nigh 100% now. Few days away from something bad and nothing else to look forward to in this existence.
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Well-known member
I left that FB group because of some privacy concerns. If anybody reading this should happen to be the one who starts a new one, please don't add me into it ::p:


Well-known member
Er... I deleted the Facebook group. I started it, and I left Facebook, so I deleted it. Selfish, I know. But I figured someone else could make another. I just didn't want any trace of me on Facebook (as much as possible). If that pisses people off I understand and accept that. Sorry. It's easy to make a group though, so another can easily be set up.

Aw, Lyra,

No need to explain or justify. Do what you have to do and take care of yourself :).

No anger here.


Well-known member
I created a new FB group, but it's not related to SPW (we never mention SPW :p).
I invited everyone I could... except twiggle ::p:


Well-known member
I'm wondering... As ridiculous as it sounds on the face of it, did I just make a grave mistake in deleting my Facebook (again)? What is the worst that can happen to me if I continue to exist without one? Someone will reject me romantically because I don't have one? Well, would I really want to be with someone who thought like that...? Or would I not be hired for a company because they thought it was suspicious? I don't think I'd want to work for them.

If I end up getting rejected a lot for not having Facebook (seems unlikely), so be it I guess. I really don't see why I should have one, I didn't use it for anything important anyway, and it doesn't tell anyone anything about me they need to know. Not much personal on there. I wouldn't want there to be. I don't get it :confused:

you won't be able to Facebook with Hubert any more - he'll miss you


Well-known member
Im furiously pissed off with the pathetic and spineless org known as FIFA. Refusing to have any comment on the long email I sent them pertaining to a certain international travesty to football. AHGAHGAHGAHAG!!:mad:


Just spent the last 4 hours helping someone move out from their abusive partner. What-a-psychopath. Seriously. She stayed over here last night.

Had cops involved etc - big drama's. I have seen him lose control before, so I had a suspicion that it was coming. Poor woman was terrified.

Anyway I have had 2 hours sleep - and now I have to spend the next 7 hours outside in the rain, the cold and the wind - I am going to be tired when I get back.

mmmm.... how are you?

So anyway


Well-known member
Just spent the last 4 hours helping someone move out from their abusive partner. What-a-psychopath. Seriously. She stayed over here last night.

Had cops involved etc - big drama's. I have seen him lose control before, so I had a suspicion that it was coming. Poor woman was terrified.

Anyway I have had 2 hours sleep - and now I have to spend the next 7 hours outside in the rain, the cold and the wind - I am going to be tired when I get back.

mmmm.... how are you?

So anyway

sounds like she's lucky to have a friend like you around


Well-known member
And today it snowed in this town.

It may not sound like much, and it was very small flakes, and it only lasted for about an hour, but it was the first time it snowed in this town ever, and the first time I ever saw snow falling from the air.

I spend the whole time outside taking pictures with my cellphone, freezing my but off, enjoying every single moment.


Well-known member
Silliness is great fun at times! ^_^

Oh and Hoppy, your post about the snow made me smile. I love snow! ^_^


Well-known member
And today it snowed in this town.

It may not sound like much, and it was very small flakes, and it only lasted for about an hour, but it was the first time it snowed in this town ever, and the first time I ever saw snow falling from the air.

I spend the whole time outside taking pictures with my cellphone, freezing my but off, enjoying every single moment.

I was in bed the whole day unfortunately, so I i just got a quick glimpse of the snowfall from my window. I kinda hope it will snow again tomorrow, so i can get a chance to be outside, when it does. so you're in gauteng then? :)


not actually Fiona Apple
I don't understand the hype about that book.
It's poorly written, a bad storyline.
The only reason people seem to be reading it is because they enjoy the filthy scenes.
But then... if that's what you're after, why wouldn't you just watch a porno?

I take it you're one of those "Why read the book when you can just watch the movie" types, eh? ::p:


Well-known member
yay, snow!!

sadly it's much too hot here right now

but it will come soon enough

it always comes

