I've been having the strange urge to drink alcohol lately....
And I have no clue why.
I say strange because I have never really drank.
I've tried various types(a small sip or two)just for the flavor I guess.heh
But have always been kind of against the idea of consuming alcohol/getting drunk.
Mostly because I've seen what it's done to people.
My brother & father Are alcoholics.
My brother is currently in prison for doing stupid **** while drink.
I'm afraid that it will consume me like it has them.
Alcohol is fine for alot of people as just an occasional thing.
I mean,It's does have it's pros I guess.
As a social thing and a simple way to relax(If you do it right.lol)...Two things which I desperately need.
But i'm not sure it would be that way for me.
The simple fact that it's calling me like this is probably a sign to stay far away.
It's in my blood to be a wino.:

But who knows.
^This is probably stupid.
I'm just rambling and sharing something that's been on my mind lately.