I was just thinking how sorry I feel for the guys who were there as the
Instructor's assistants who have to take all the women practicing the moves on their "manhood"!

I hope they get paid well!!
Not nearly enough. Worst job ever.
"So what do you do, Bill?"
"Well, I let angry women kick and punch me in the groin all day."
"Oh! Does it hurt?"
"Not anymore."
"Well, that
would explain why you don't have any kids."
I really admire you Mikey, I still can't get as far as looking at the ads.
No admiration here. I was talking to my cousin and he gave me the number. I have been too scared to call for over a month and was relieved when I saw the online application, only to be scared to fill it out. I pushed through that one, though, and filled it out. I can't imagine I'll get any bites.
Applying for jobs is terrifying, so I don't blame you. If I could I'd hire you and pay you really well, Aletheia.
Today I was sitting in the car and "mmm bop" came on the radio. I was browsing through the channels and I heard the beginning of it. I was like, IS THAT MMM BOP?! It made me so happy for some reason, I just couldn't stop smiling. Definitely brought back memories of being a wee one. That song will always remind me of my friend's birthday party when she got a Hanson CD and I was like, "Who are those girls?".
Oh, my god, that's a blast from the past. What a terrible song and even worse band. I don't even remember anything else they did, haha.

: I'm sorry.