Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


I think I might be a nerd...

You know...without the geekiness and the intelligence.

Think an uncool version of Milhouse from the simspons...
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Well-known member
I am such a pessimist. It makes no difference to things I cannot control. It prevents me from things that I can control.


Well-known member
A few times yes - I can recall a few instances where I have spoken up and everyone has just stopped what they were doing, stared and the conversation has completely dissolved.

I have also cleared entire rooms with my presence. Infact just a couple of weeks ago in the classroom, I sat by myself (after people noticing my presence and very obviously moved away from me) - but who knows, I get far too exhausted trying to figure out people and the world.

I have always felt that ones paranoia exists because of past experience, otherwise... you wouldnt be paranoid... that goes for anxiety too I suppose.

Well. The first sentences I can relate to. People were so surprised to see me talk so, the whole room would just turn their necks at me.
I can understand the past experience thing.
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We got hot running water at work yesterday, for the time since I work there. Yay~ You don't really notice it at home, but it, as well as running water period, is a great luxury.

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Active member
Well I feel better now that I am on here. I was having flashbacks through out the day.

I keep having bad memories about when I was teased or people thought I was weird due to my interest. I still think some people may think that I am a nerd. The line that hurts me the most is when my own mother used to tell me " that's why I don't have any friends". Like she went to school with me and knew what went on, she assumed. I used to be so shy I couldn't even talk to people in my family. No matter who they were.

It made me want to throw away everything that I was doing today. Why are people considered lame just because they find learning interesting and know facts about things?

I was told I didn't have a life because of what I knew about things. It made me want to give up on being myself today so I could fit in. I have not thought about this for a long time, it's just crazy how random thoughts can attack one out of the blue even if they a from the past. They even make you feel like you're in that moment at times.

If you want to learn about something and someone tries to embarrass you for it, you should realize how dumb they sound. Are they people that you should look up to you if they mock you for knowing things? I know it's hard if everyone around you is mocking you and you won't be able to feel good then. How do we stop people from attacking everyone all the time? Even a school is a war zone. Every place is a war zone.

It makes me disgusted that there are probably very smart kids around that don't show it because they are afraid of being laughed at. There's even a show with very smart characters in it and they are called nerds. What will that do to a smart child who watches that? He'll want to fit in and not join groups that he knows he would enjoy. WHAT'S WRONG WITH BEING SMART?

Maybe humans love to see suffering and don't like someone being better than them so they want to offend them.


Well-known member
What makes a Western a 'Spaghetti Western'...

Well... it's slang, but Spaghetti Western just makes me hungry.
I've no idea what the genre means. XD
I'd assume it has something to do with Italy.

What does Wiki say about it?:
is a nickname for a broad sub-genre of Western films that emerged in the mid-1960s in the wake of Sergio Leone's unique and much copied film-making style and international box-office success, so named by American critics because most were produced and directed by Italians.
Spaghetti western - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I learned something today.


Well-known member
You ever get the feeling - that as soon as you post, everyone else stops posting? I get that feeling all the time... not just online... but everywhere. Enter a room - room empties. Speak up in conversation - conversation stops. etc etc.

Perhaps I am just paranoid - yeah thats probably it.
I am extremely paranoid, but it's true that a lot of times I try to join a conversation and it suddenly stops.

No one likes me, everyone hates me, those are my usual thoughts. And probably those thoughts make me act even weirder, so people will actually disliking me, as it's what I've been seeing. My paranoia kills all the possibilities of me making any friends.


Well-known member
I have longer hair, beard growing wild and sunglasses I have to wear outside because if the eye surgery I had. I want to be invisible, but people still seem to see me :(